Democrats have done such a good job of misleading the American public on Iraq lately that George Bush had to go on TV last night to remind Americans why we are fighting the War on Terror. If the democrats are successful in brain-washing the public, as they appear to have been on killing any meaningful reform of social security, future generations of Americans will again suffer the consequences. And what is at stake in this case is the most basic human right of all - survival.
Headlines this morning proclaim that democrats are outraged President Bush had the audacity to connect the war in Iraq with the events of 9/11. Once again, the ability of the democratic party leadership and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media to manipulate public opinion is almost beyond comprehension. They are desperately working to turn Americans against the war by relying on their typical strategy of separating cause from effect, because if that can be done then doubts begin to surface about the legitimacy of the effect.
But guess what, folks. THE WAR ON TERROR IS DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO 9/11. Nothing can change that fact, but a continuous stream of misleading "news" stories and editorials misrepresenting reality by highlighting the bad and ignoring the good can cause people to forget it.
A friend of mine, who like most thinking Americans is concerned about the situation in Iraq and often questions his own support of the war, sent me the following email. "The question I struggle with is the statistic that up to 150 million people were murdered in mass, politically motivated killings in the 20th century. As a citizen of the one country in the world that has the greatest ability to stop the murders, should we insist our military save these people? Or should we close our borders and tell everyone else 'good luck' "?
My personal response to that question is if we could be 100% certain we could close our borders and escape the carnage occurring throughout the rest of the world, then I would be all for closing the borders and telling everyone else "good luck and God bless." But the history of human behavior has proven that course of action would be dangerously naive - and suicidal. Once tyranny rules the rest of the world, they wouldn't allow us to sit alone on our little utopian pedestal. Eventually, they would come for us. We have already allowed the forces of evil to grow to dangerous proportions. If we don't take them on now, it will soon be too late.
From their behavior it seems that democrats are either advocates of tyranny and rule of the self-appointed elite (as long as it is them), or are dangerously uninformed and naive about history and human nature. Terrorists have declared war on western civilization. They have been murdering anyone who happens to have a different opinion (and any innocent who happens to be in the vicinity) for decades. 9/11 was just one event of this war. It is a war western civilization cannot afford to lose.
It is tough enough fighting terrorists who kill indiscriminately, know no bounds of decency and easily blend in with the local population. It does not make it easier that most of the countries in continental Europe have already surrendered, as usual. But it makes it even tougher when, for purposes of nothing more than political and personal gain and with complete disregard for the survival of the American people, politicians in our own country conspire to mislead the public and turn it against our efforts to defend ourselves from those whose goal is to eliminate freedom and democracy from the face of the earth.