Although a number of issues exist that shape political discussion in America, the ones that really need to be at the forefront are the issues that threaten our very existence. There are apparently two forces working in the world today capable of destroying civilization, and each political party in the United States is associated with recognizing one and not the other.
Liberal Democrats are believers in global warming, which they see as the major threat to humanity. Conservative Republicans are seen to be focused on preventing radical Islamic extremists from killing or subjugating all they consider infidels (everyone who is not a believer in Islam) and establishing a worldwide religious state based on their strict interpretation of Islamic religious law (Sharia).
There is certainly evidence the earth is currently going through a phase of global warming. Even though logic would indicate that human beings are contributing to the process, there is not undeniable evidence that the warming period is nothing more than a natural cyclical occurrence exacerbated by worldwide urbanization. Furthermore, there has been nothing proposed by anyone other than shutting down modern industrialized economies and returning to an agrarian society that would have any impact on the problem, the Kyoto Treaty being the primary example.
On the other hand, radical Islamic extremism is a clear and present danger that most of the world and a significant portion of Americans are trying to ignore while the danger to civilization grows more serious as the perpetrators and their sponsors develop more lethal weapons of mass destruction. These people do not want to negotiate or co-exist. Their goal is to eliminate freedom and democracy from the face of the earth.
Of course the situation is not quite that simple, as there are people in both political parties in America that consider both issues to be a major problem. However, the Democratic party is led by such anti-war demagogues as Howard Dean, John Kerry, Al Gore, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy - each of whom declare that the the United States should abandon the war on terror. They want to cut and run and pretend terrorism doesn't exist. Republicans, however, do recognize global warming is a serious issue - they just don't believe acceptance of the terms of the Kyoto Treaty is the answer.
The question is, given these two major threats to our survival, which party should be in charge of leading the country? That is the question Americans will have to answer when the go to the voting booths.