On April 24, 2007, congressional Democrats approved a wide range of new subpoenas for investigations of just about everyone in the duly elected Republican administration of George W. Bush. Specifically, the investigations focused on: Anyone involved with the firings of U.S. Attorneys, who serve at the pleasure of the President and can be fired at any time for any reason; Anyone engaged in political activities at the White House (primary target - Karl Rove, President Bush's Deputy Chief of Staff whose current job IS to provide POLITICAL advice to the President); Anyone involved in providing the President intelligence reports or other advice justifying the war in Iraq (i.e., anyone who relied on reports from every intelligence agency in the free world, previous comments from every politician in the DEMOCRATIC Party leadership, plus undeniable evidence that Saddam Hussein had used weapons of mass destruction in prior wars and against his own people).
In other words, the Democrats have found a new definition of governing. In the United States we no longer have a government focused on legislation to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Instead, we now have a government of accusations, allegations, investigations, character assassination and unwarranted indictments of people trying to do their jobs - who have the unfortunate circumstance of being members of or appointed by the leaders of the opposing party. The congressional Democrats have no interest in doing anything but creating phony scandals and conducting hysterical witch hunts to discredit their opponents.
Few would argue that Karl Rove is not a devious political manipulator whose main function is to embellish the image of his boss and protect him from the partisan attacks of his political adversaries. In an ideal world his services would not be necessary. But in today's political environment they are. Political enemies are constantly dreaming up fraudulent allegations of illegal conduct, unethical behavior, incompetence and/or contentions of disreputable and failing policies. Some may contain grains of truth, but in most cases they are obstructionist at best and at the worst nothing more than obvious efforts to undermine the President. Politics has become more public relations than public service. Karl Rove is not the first administrative aide to have this duty. Those who seriously think he is any worse than James Carville or George Stephanopoulis have very short memories.
Perhaps the Democrats should spend some time doing what they were elected to do - work on fixing the very real and very serious problems associated with social security and medicare. And it would be helpful to our nation's security if they could propose some realistic strategies on how to protect American citizens from Islamic terrorists. But they won't, because they have no answers for those issues that are the most important to the future of America. All they can do is demean and vilify those who actually are on the front lines of attempting to solve these problems.