In less than two years Comrade Obama and his compliant congressional politburo have turned America upside down. Income redistribution. Government intrusion into the free markets. Massive new government spending programs. Ignoring public opinion to pass legislation the people don't want. Government policies today are the opposite of what made this country great. King Barack and his enablers are rapidly dismantling our whole way of life.
The United States is now burdened with -
1. A communist dictatorship form of government. Is that characterization over the top? They rammed health care reform down our throats. They took over the financial industry. They reward labor unions and punish corporate shareholders. They eliminate thousands of jobs to please their Greenie supporters by shutting down the offshore oil industry. They brazenly do anything they want. That is not democracy. It is a socialist, redistributive economic system and entrenched welfare state that preserves and enhances the wealth and power of those at the top while confiscating the property and rights of the middle class.
2. Amoral injustice, as the prudent and responsible are punished while the imprudent and irresponsible are bailed out and rewarded. Case in point: the mega-rich partners of Goldman Sachs, who maintain an incestuous relationship with the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve and other government regulators, receive 100% payoff on their high risk, speculative credit default swap investments purchased from AIG. The rest of us eat our losses on our more conservative traditional investments and watch our retirement savings disappear.
3. Unilateral disarmament that is rendering America defenseless against global threats. The suicidal START Treaty, evisceration of our ballistic missile defense systems, and cancellation of our most advanced weapons systems are prime evidence.
4. A destructive cultural revolution combining open door immigration and multi-culturalism that is destroying traditional American ethics and mores. This has created a vast underclass of illegal immigrants that don't assimilate into our society as immigrants traditionally have done. Yet they freely use our educational, health care and other support systems without paying for them.
5. The decline of private enterprise and free markets as government imposes more regulation and controls on finance, commerce and industry. Government industrial engineering results in increased inefficiencies, misallocation of capital and production of goods and services that lack demand. Worst of all, it diminishes incentive based creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial energy that stimulates productivity and growth.
6. An economic system based on debt rather than equity ownership, with financial markets dominated by large institutions using high risk leverage and rapid fire, computer based trading of baskets of mortgages, treasury debt and artificial derivative securities instead of investing in shares of real companies producing real products. That is not capitalism. It is gambling. An economic system based on gambling is a house of cards waiting to fall.
7. Foreign policies that alienate our traditional friends and appease our enemies, including protectionist trade policies that kill private sector jobs while rewarding the politically powerful labor unions.
8. Deteriorating K-12 educational system that turns out illiterate graduates with few skills who become dependent on government support.
9. Major media organizations and universities that indoctrinate the younger generations with the concept America is the source of evil in the world, ignoring the profound deeds of creativity, productivity, progress, inspiration, global assistance and defense of freedom and democracy that comprises our true historical legacy.
10. Unprecedented monetary expansion and massive government debt explosion exposing our country to hyperinflation and economic collapse.
Although Ayatollah Obama did not start some of these trends, he certainly has accelerated them. Unless these policies are reversed soon, America faces at best a future outlook of -
1. Bankruptcy of our national, state and local governments.
2. Permanent higher income tax rates plus imposition of an ever increasing Value Added Tax on consumption. These taxes will kill our traditional prosperity by ensuring prolonged economic weakness and producing sustained high unemployment.
3. Polarization of society between the growing number dependent on government support and the diminishing number of providers, leading to civil chaos.
4. Loss of global leadership and declining standards of living relative to other countries. America is on the road to becoming an economic has been at best, and potentially a third world country.
5. Gradual loss of liberty, justice, and democracy as the collective agenda of the politically correct redistributionists and environmentalists trump free choice and dictate how we live our lives.
6. Potential military defeat at the hands of a foreign adversary, resulting in the loss of American independence and sovereignty.
The American public must wake up to this reality before it is too late. Our freedom, prosperity and security are at risk. We are in the process of destroying America's future. These trends must be stopped or we will become nothing more than a footnote in the future history of the world.