An Associated Press article today based on census figures reported that in 2010 the number of American women with advanced college degrees passed the number of men. Today, among adults 25 and older, 10.6 million women have master's degrees or higher versus 10.5 million men. Women passed men in number of bachelor's degrees more than a decade ago, with 20.1 million women and 18.7 million men now holding bachelor's degrees. Women now make up 50% of the work force, with an unemployment rate more than a percent lower than men. Women complain they don't make as much money as men, but that is no longer true in urban areas for those under the age of 30. The over-all average for women is lower because they have not been in the executive offices as long as men, but that won't be the case much longer.
Face it, fella's, it's over. We lost and now we are doomed. I suggest investing in sperm banks and dildo manufacturers. Male children today are good for nothing but cannon fodder. We are useless, and our days are probably numbered.
America has just undergone the most significant social change in human history and it is flying under the radar. How did it happen? Are men just stupid and lazy and addicted to video games, as it appears many women seem to think. Did men do this to themselves, or did public policy and intentional social engineering encourage this feminization of America?
Apparently everyone in America except white heterosexual men is classified as a minority in today's politically correct culture. Is it possible that affirmative action, elementary and secondary school curriculums, college admission standards, scholarships and grants favored the so-called minorities, particularly women? Did this same politically correct attitude influence post-graduate job opportunities by favoring women and non-whites? I'm just asking.
What does it all mean? Is it good or bad for America's future? Who the hell knows? But it will have consequences. Many women throughout the world have risen to the top of their governments and their professions, and have done an admirable job of leadership, especially those with balls like Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir and evidently today's Angela Merkel of Germany. But I know of no country where they are the most educated and control the majority of politically powerful positions, which seems to be where we are headed. And if it occurred sometime in the past it must not have lasted very long. I wonder if there is a reason for that? Again, just asking?