Republicans really suck at public relations. Americans are protesting on Wall Street and at Federal Reserve Banks around the country about the weak economy, high unemployment, and the huge disparity in wealth distribution. Republicans would be better off supporting these protests rather than criticizing them. The protests are justified.
Wall Streeters and executives at the big banks are guilty of stuffing obscene amounts of money in their own pockets while destroying the financial markets. They did this by mindlessly leveraging trades of pointless debt based derivatives and collateralized debt obligations backed by worthless mortgages rather than performing their real duties of providing capital to growth generating private enterprise.
The Federal Reserve and Treasury Department is guilty of bailing out bankers and bondholders (the wealthy) with low interest rates and more borrowed money at the expense of wiping out shareholders of stocks, which formed the basis of most retirement funds and middle class investments. The real question is why have this president and the financial authorities forgotten (or ignored) the fact that capitalism is based on equity ownership, not debt? And how could they expect consumers to spend money when they have destroyed their life savings?
But what I really don't understand is why people are not protesting the other guilty party of the economic quagmire we find ourselves in. There should be protests in front of the White House, the Capitol Building, the U.S. Treasury and Fannie Mae headquarters as well since this president, this Congress and the financial regulatory agencies encouraged the high risk behavior in the first place and subsequently have done nothing but make the situation worse. Could this be Comrade B.O.'s expertise as a community organizer at work? Are these protests being organized by the Demo-rats to deflect blame from themselves? After all, that is the only thing they are good at.
Demo-rats love to feed and exploit the misconception that all rich people are Republicans. If that is true, then how does Obama attract substantially more campaign contributions than the Republicans do? According to the Center for Responsive Politics based on analysis of Federal Election Commission data, individuals working in finance, insurance and real estate markets were among Obama's largest campaign contributors. And executives from Goldman Sachs were his biggest backers. Obama talks tough about Wall Street and then bails them out. They laugh all the way to the bank while B.O. remains comfortably seated in the oval office. Talk is cheap, and when it comes from left wing politicians it is usually a lie to deceive and mislead the voting public.
Furthermore, governors of the Federal Reserve Bank are appointed by the president. The Chairman of the Fed, Ben Bernanke, was first nominated by George Bush. He was then renominated by Obama in 2009 and confirmed by the Senate, which happens to be controlled by Demo-rats. It all makes you wonder how stupid Americans can be to always blame our economic troubles on the Republicans.
As usual Obama is demaguoging and chastising straw men he creates to demonize conservatives. It is typical Obama. His policies kill millions of American jobs and he blames everyone else. It is quite clear that Obama and his politburo believe the only real jobs are government jobs. Look at his "jobs bill", which is designed to fund almost exclusively more public sector jobs for public labor union employees.
Kinky Friedman recently said that Charlie Sheen would be a better president than the current imposter in the White House. He is right. Charlie Sheen would be drunk, stoned and partying all the time. He would do no damage at all to our economy because doing nothing is better than pursuing the wrong policies as our current president does.