Polls continue to indicate Barack Obama has a lead over Mitt Romney among American voters. That is despite the fact that under nearly four years of Obama's 'leadership' we have a comatose economy that is not creating jobs, an explosion in our national debt that impoverishes future generations, an increasingly autocratic government that is dictating our personal behavior and beliefs, an industrial and commercial system that cannot function due to the imposition of excessive rules and regulations, and a foreign policy that ignores the growth of global threats while cutting spending on our national security. I have been around long enough to realize that human brains are wired differently and huge differences of opinion naturally exist. But I really don't understand why voters who bought Obama's bullshit the first time would even consider voting for him again. The only people in American better off under Obama are those living in Washington, DC. How in the hell can a person with Obama's record even be considered a viable candidate?
The appeal of Barack Obama to American voters is nothing short of mystifying, incomprehensible, insane - and heartbreaking. The only possible explanation is that half the people in this country are not paying attention to the real issues or are just too gullible to realize they are being conned. American history has proven that the world's most effective weapons against poverty have been private enterprise, free markets and limited government. Barack Obama has repudiated each of those principles and is imposing socialist policies, government intervention and state control over all aspects of our lives. Under Obama we are becoming an autocratic dictatorship, the kind of country that throughout history our soldiers have given their lives to keep away from our shores. Today we are being subjugated from within.
Barack Obama is right about one thing. America is not an exceptional country - at least not any more. That is because we have let left wing ideology and politically correct philosophies take over the country. Hard working, productive Americans have been asleep at the switch while a growing number of citizens have bought into the Democratic Party promises of being able to have it all without having to work for it because the government will provide it. The problem is that what the Dems apparently believe will happen in theory never does in reality. Either that, or they are just snake oil salesmen making promises they know they can't keep in order to gain and remain in power.
For the first time in American history we now hear people say "My children and grandchildren will be worse off than my generation". That defeatist attitude can and must be changed. Mitt Romney has had a career in the private sector creating successful companies as well as some that have failed. That is the way capitalism works. Not every company is a winner as the competitive marketplace decides who is. But over time the most efficient, innovative and productive companies create economic growth that benefits all of us, creating new jobs and new products that lead to further innovation and growth. This process works best when government has only a limited influence by ensuring a fair, honest and orderly marketplace and stays out of the business of picking winners and losers. That type of economic environment must be restored, and Mitt Romney knows it.
Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as Vice-President means that his right hand man will be someone who understands budgets and knows how to gain control over out of control federal spending. Americans will get a real opportunity to choose whether they want the country to survive and their children to prosper or whether they are too selfish and self-centered to understand or even care about the consequences of current socialist policies. Voters can choose between the economic growth generating dynamism of capitalism or the downward spiral resulting from the welfare state, expanding government budget deficits and bureaucratic interference in private enterprise. Unfortunately, a large segment of the voting public does not understand economics and the dynamics of capitalism and therefore do not have a clue about the consequences of their actions.
The major problem regarding the public comprehension of the issues is the bullshit coming from the campaign rhetoric of the Democrats. Frankly, those who actually believe the Democratic Party's traditional portrayal of Republicans as mean, selfish, evil monsters intent on raping, pillaging and plundering the poor to satisfy their heartless greed are of questionable sanity. How does further impoverishing the poor and the middle class help the rich become richer? In order for businessmen to be successful they must create products and services that satisfy the demands of consumers who have the money to buy those products and services. The leaders of industry cannot make money if their customers cannot afford what they are selling. Destroying the financial resources of your customer base would be self-defeating.
Of course there is one sector of the economy where people can get rich by doing nothing productive for society or the economy. These are the folks in the big banks and Wall Street money managers who get wealthy by trading worthless pieces of paper using debt leverage that cause whole economies to collapse. That hurts everyone but them, because they are the same ones who have politicians and regulators in their pockets and get bailed out by government, most recently under both Bush and Obama. For those who are unaware, let me be the first to inform you that those assholes generously support both parties, Republicans and Democrats. Look it up. Hopefully someday those who vote Democrat will understand that their claims of being the party of the little guy is a crock of shit.
Furthermore, those who buy the crap that Republicans want to raise taxes on the middle class to give to the top 1% as many Democrats claim must be Kool-Aid drinking lunatics (the bottom 47% already don't pay taxes, so how can taxes be raised on them? Oh, yeah, they just get less back from the government than they do now). Nowhere in any policy proposals from the Republicans does it mention raising taxes on the middle class. Furthermore, the top 1% knows that raising taxes on the middle class to give to them is what causes political revolutions where they come out the losers. The traditional campaign trash produced by the Democratic Party strategists is nothing but creative lies that defy common sense, logic and rationality.
It would be a good idea for those who always blindly vote for Democrats to consider what happens to them and their offspring when those who generate the jobs that provide income for government to tax decide it isn't worth the effort. Raising taxes on the wealthy will not generate an equal percentage increase in revenues. If there are no incentives, there are no motivated producers. If you don't bait the hook you don't catch the fish. If that is too difficult to understand, the doubters could just go to Greece and find out the reality. Greece is in deep shit for following the same policies that Barack Obama is implementing here, and Greeks will be suffering declines in standards of living and quality of life for many years to come.
Basically, politics is all about the size of the economic pie. Throughout American history the size of the pie has been expanding due to private enterprise and free market incentives stimulating innovation and productivity, providing a bigger piece of the pie for everyone, including those at the bottom of the income scale. Today's Democrats, or more accurately the socialist progressives since these aren't the same Democrats of just a generation ago, believe the pie does not grow as it most certainly won't under their policies. Therefore their agenda is to appeal to those who want a bigger piece of the pie by promising to take it from someone else. That is not an agenda for maintaining a healthy or productive society.
One has to ask, is it really compassionate to impose policies that make people dependent on government support, or maybe a better idea to try and implement policies that help people support themselves? Do those who buy into the 'progressives' bullshit really believe conservatives are racist ogres whose goals are to destroy the environment, throw little old ladies in wheel chairs off cliffs, starve the poor, shoot up the mall, keep the black man down (whatever that means), exploit society to satisfy greed, etc., etc., etc? Who is really the most corrupt, businessmen who produce goods and services that consumers want while collecting some profit for their efforts, or politicians who use political office to gain wealth and power by confiscating money from taxpayers to pay off special interests and collecting bribes from lobbyists and supporters, all while making promises they know they can't keep in order to stay on the gravy train?
The result of 'progressives' policies are so bad they actually have only one campaign strategy they can pursue, the same one they always use. It is called divide and conquer. While claiming they are unifiers they create lies that appeal to the majority and promote hatred of those with opposing vews. These nominal Democrats know that is the only chance they have of winning elections, so they take advantage of the unfortunate human weakness of jealousy, the reality that the have nots will always want what the haves have without having to work for it. This class warfare strategy works best when society is the most polarized, and that is why the left wing politicians keep dividing society as much as they do. But government policies based on retribution and redistribution are no way to generate social harmony or economic prosperity. As government consumes an ever greater portion of resources while producing nothing in return the country will be doomed to a perpetual depression that erodes our quality of life.
Barack Obama and his attack dogs claim that Mitt Romney's and Paul Ryan's blueprint for restoring progress and prosperity to America is 'extreme' and 'radical'. Since when did limited government, private enterprise, free markets, personal responsibility, individual rights, rule of law and strong national security become extreme and radical. They are the traditional principles that have been responsible for generating unprecedented affluence and preserving the freedoms Americans have long enjoyed. This election will be decided by whether voters mindlessly buy into the lies of the left or take the time to learn the reality of Barack Obama, his policies and the consequences of where they are taking us. Paul Ryan is the only man in Washington offering serious, workable solutions that can save us from disaster. Mitt Romney would not have picked him for VP if he didn't intend to gain control over government spending, which is priority number one in preserving the country for future generations. We can only wait and see if enough Americans are smart enough to see that Romney and Ryan get the chance.
Barack Obama arrived on the political scene with no experience, no qualifications and no clue. He now has experience, but experience that is ruining the country. He lives in a fantasy world that does not exist. He has no idea how the world works and dictates policies that have never been successful and never will be. The country cannot survive his naivete and his ideology that history has proven over and over again is destructive to economic progress and quality of human life. Continuing to do what doesn't work is the definition of insanity. Barack Obama has been taking this country down the wrong path for four years. One has to wonder how he can still even be in the political big leagues. Americans really couldn't be dumb enough to give him another four years to completely destroy what our forefathers have built, could they?
p.s. - About the likeability thing. What is there to like about an arrogant, condescending, polarizing, serially lying know-it-all who has done nothing to improve the sick condition our country is in during the three and half years he has been in office? He does nothing but blame others for our problems while continually demonizing the people who are really trying to do the right thing to get the country moving back in the right direction. Likeable my ass!!!! And even if he was, what good is that doing us?
p.s. 2 - I am not a Republican. I am an independent. The Republican Party has its share of sleazeballs, too. Up until a decade or so ago the liberals and conservatives in this country may have disagreed on a lot of things, but they all generally believed in private enterprise, free markets, individual liberty and the rule of law. Today's Democratic Party leaders don't. They believe in big government control (i.e., their control) of everything that happens in this country. If traditional Democrats don't figure that out in the next couple of months then we are all in big trouble.
p.s. 3 - The polls say Obama has a big lead among women, minorities and the college educated. I wouldn't pretend to have a clue what makes women tick, and the minorities are just proving that the only ethnic groups in America where a significant portion of them are racist are the minorities themselves. As for the college educated, I can only recommend that you get the money back you obviously wasted on college. Maybe this time you could tune out the talking airheads and poison pens of the institutions of higher indoctrination and the major media disinformation networks and think for yourself. If not, and you are one of those under the age of 35 with a college education who voted for Obama in 2008, think you're pretty damn smart and plan on voting for him again, don't say you weren't warned. But please do feel guilty when you realize you were compliant in the descent into mediocrity, or worse, of the greatest country that ever existed on earth. Being fooled once can happen to anybody. Being fooled twice is inexcusable.