The Obama administration is now in lock-down mode conducting CYA (cover your ass) operations, using serial press conferences denying responsibility following discovery of their abundant transgressions and more recently just ignoring the scandals and changing the subject. Unfortunately this all comes naturally to Barack Obama. Benghazi? No big deal because Barry says it isn't. Never mind that top government officials intentionally lying to the American people is a real big deal. The IRS targeting conservative groups for harassment? Just a few lower level employees at the IRS having some fun. Telephone taps on the Associated Press? The Justice Department just trying to cover up leaks of classified information to the press. Naturally the presidential lapdogs say Comrade Barack, who demands personal credit for everything that reflects positively on him, knew nothing about this stuff.
Of course the administration's 'talking points' are to blame these 'minor' issues on Republicans playing politics in order to obstruct the angelic Democrats attempts to conduct their business of governing. So there it is. It is all the Republicans fault. After more than four years of blaming George Bush for everything from Abu Ghraib to the demise of Twinkies, the Obama brain trust has found a new bogeyman. The fawning media certainly can't blame Barack Obama for his administration's recurrent failures and misdeeds, so what could be better than blaming all Republicans. Sadly, it really takes a special kind of stupid to believe that.
But a lot of Democrats believe it is OK for the IRS to target the Tea Party and other conservative organizations. After all, they have been brainwashed by the Obama media machine to believe anyone not prostrating themselves before His Excellency and his teleprompter are all jack-booted thugs, religious wing-nuts and racist cretins. They most certainly are not. They are Americans who do not agree with the policies of the current regime in power, and both peaceful protest and freedom of speech are still Constitutionally protected rights of every American, not just those on the left, although you would never know that from following the news or being anywhere near a college campus.
Are the Republicans motivated by politics? Well, duh! Of course they are. But it is also their job as members of Congress to hold government officials accountable for derelictions of duty in public office, especially Hillary Clinton - the person most responsible for the fiasco in Benghazi. This woman is the current front running presidential candidate for the Democratic Party in 2016, and she has no business being president of the United States. She is an incompetent, arrogant, self-absorbed political opportunist who lied about her controversial past in Arkansas, rode the coat-tails of her husband into high political office, and presided over the loss of global American influence in her disastrous term as Secretary of State.
In case the Democratic Party voters haven't noticed, every move the Democrats make is motivated by politics ever since Barack Obama became president. Just look at the emails regarding Benghazi and the IRS harassment of conservatives. BO just has his underlings do the dirty work so he can maintain plausible deniability. Field Marshal Obama cannot be allowed to be distracted from his constant drumbeat of flowery but dishonest rhetoric. God forbid the public might discover that he is only interested in buying votes. His political strategy has not changed since he arrived on the national political scene, and probably well before that - make up lies about the opponent and then accuse the opponent of lying. Blaming the Republicans for having political motives as if they are solely responsible for all the shit that goes wrong on his watch is a sick joke.
Even if Barack Obama knew nothing about the Benghazi scandal, the IRS scandal, or the wire-tapping scandal, which are all dubious contentions, they are all evidence of his absolute failure of leadership. He is the one responsible for selecting the incompetents and/or people of sordid character now running the major government agencies. These are exactly the kind of people he wants to implement his imperial agenda. And if Obama was in the loop on all these scandals, which is most likely given his dictatorial control of the executive branch, then it is obvious he has an arrogant contempt for the law of the land and the American people.
Incredibly, some folks still want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, even though there isn't much doubt left. But his culpability in the current scandals is not the only blemish on his record in office. His economic policies continue to cause the American economy to limp along in substandard fashion. His disastrous foreign policies are turning the world into a much more dangerous place. Barack Obama and everyone in his administration are demonstrating every day they do not belong in positions of authority. After nearly 4 1/2 years in office it is still difficult to discern whether he is just a serial liar living in his own fantasy world or an egomaniacal sociopath.
Combining the misdeeds of the IRS with the unrelenting record of habitual lying about everything from Benghazi to Republicans positions on the issues to the real cost of ObamaCare, it should be quite clear to everyone now that the Obama regime is populated with sleazeballs, starting at the top. Everything this clique of autocratic miscreants does is for the purpose of keeping themselves in political power. They could care less about ordinary Americans or the future of the country. A government that dictates to the people what to think, what to read, who to hate and how to act is a government that can and will do anything it wants to subjugate the people and keep them in line.
These scandals are almost certainly not the only ones that will emerge from this administration. So far they are just the only ones where they got caught.
Evidence continues to mount that the real problem with Obama believers is that they are just stupid. I really do hate to use that word because it is quite inflammatory. But the evidence of stupidity has become overwhelming. They are stupid because they never learn from experience. Those who vote for Obama are stupid because they repeatedly fall for the lies and false promises. His supporters who may be aware of the history of failure of left wing ideology and its policies are stupid because they apparently think they are much smarter than those who have tried to implement those policies before them.
Collectivist economic policies bring everyone but the self-anointed political leaders down to the equality and paralysis of mass poverty. Social policies that overturn traditional culture and allow unrestrained behavioral indulgence lead to the polarization of society and chaos. Every socialist policy tried to date, from environmental to educational to regulatory have experienced unintended consequences that make things worse, not better. And gutting national security to pay for the socialist programs is the epitome of stupidity. Liberals are not as smart as they think they are. The are always wrong but never in doubt. To repeat the obvious, that is really a special kind of stupid.
Of course it is possible that a small number of those on the left are not really stupid at all. Those are the ones who know full well what the devastating results of their policies will be. They know the economic and social damage they will cause because that is their intention. They plan on taking advantage of the chaos and turmoil to consolidate power and rule as autocratic dictators. The best way to do that is to use the media to spread propaganda proclaiming widespread success of government policies when the reality is just the opposite. A rational analysis of the last four years would lead one to conclude that those are the kind of people in charge of our government today.
The Vanguard of the Battle Against Disinformation and Politically Correct Brainwashing - Seeking Truth, Common Sense, Rationality, Humility and A Sense of Humor for Hard Core Liberals
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Thursday, May 02, 2013
Fools With Signs
The George W. Bush Presidential Library opened last week on the campus of Southern Methodist University. Naturally, protesters were outside the building registering their fanatical hatred of anything to do with George Bush. Some of the Bush-haters carried signs claiming George was responsible for the deaths of 6,000 American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan during his presidency. Actually, the number of American service personnel who died in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2001 through 2008 is 4,852. Not acknowledged by any of these folks is that under Barack Obama 1,841 more have died in those countries, most after his troop surge in Afghanistan in 2010.
The protestors apparently also have a selective memory of the events of September 11, 2001, and the aftermath. They must have forgotten the outrage and calls for a response demanded by the vast majority of Americans following the assault. They must have forgotten that every intelligence service in the Western world and every prominent Democrat was convinced that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and in fact had used them on more than one occasion. They have also conveniently forgotten that Saddam Hussein sponsored global terrorism, providing training camps, headquarters, operating bases and cash to terrorist groups. Regardless, the rabid attack dogs now blame George Bush for everything that has transpired since.
While we are on the subject, if the criteria is to blame the president for the American military casualties in our country's conflicts, how many deaths was Abraham Lincoln responsible for in the Civil War? Answer: 625,000. Franklin Roosevelt in World War II? 405,000. Harry Truman in the Korean War? 36,500. JFK and LBJ in Vietnam? 37,000. Nixon in Vietnam? 21,000. And lets not forget other liberal heroes and heroines such as Rachel Carson, the Queen of the Environmental Cult. She is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of children in Africa from malaria subsequent to the banning of DDT. Take it a step further and ask how many deaths people talking on cellphones while driving are responsible for in America today. Is that Obama's fault because he doesn't do anything about it?
Bush-haters are entitled to their personal opinions, but it would be nice if they would stop using bullshit to justify them. Is it too much to ask for them to pull their collective heads out of their asses and realize we don't live in a perfect world. George Bush certainly made some mistakes as president, mainly due to his attempt to practice 'compassionate conservatism' by allowing domestic spending to grow too much. But contrary to the chants of the Haters he never lied about anything. Acting on information that was accepted as accurate at the time by nearly all knowledgeable sources is not lying. He was probably the last honest man to live and work inside the Capital Beltway.
The protestors apparently also have a selective memory of the events of September 11, 2001, and the aftermath. They must have forgotten the outrage and calls for a response demanded by the vast majority of Americans following the assault. They must have forgotten that every intelligence service in the Western world and every prominent Democrat was convinced that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and in fact had used them on more than one occasion. They have also conveniently forgotten that Saddam Hussein sponsored global terrorism, providing training camps, headquarters, operating bases and cash to terrorist groups. Regardless, the rabid attack dogs now blame George Bush for everything that has transpired since.
While we are on the subject, if the criteria is to blame the president for the American military casualties in our country's conflicts, how many deaths was Abraham Lincoln responsible for in the Civil War? Answer: 625,000. Franklin Roosevelt in World War II? 405,000. Harry Truman in the Korean War? 36,500. JFK and LBJ in Vietnam? 37,000. Nixon in Vietnam? 21,000. And lets not forget other liberal heroes and heroines such as Rachel Carson, the Queen of the Environmental Cult. She is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of children in Africa from malaria subsequent to the banning of DDT. Take it a step further and ask how many deaths people talking on cellphones while driving are responsible for in America today. Is that Obama's fault because he doesn't do anything about it?
Bush-haters are entitled to their personal opinions, but it would be nice if they would stop using bullshit to justify them. Is it too much to ask for them to pull their collective heads out of their asses and realize we don't live in a perfect world. George Bush certainly made some mistakes as president, mainly due to his attempt to practice 'compassionate conservatism' by allowing domestic spending to grow too much. But contrary to the chants of the Haters he never lied about anything. Acting on information that was accepted as accurate at the time by nearly all knowledgeable sources is not lying. He was probably the last honest man to live and work inside the Capital Beltway.
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