It is tough being a white male these days. Every day we read about how evil we are. Apparently we have oppressed, tyrannized, exploited, subjugated, persecuted, tormented, terrorized, mistreated, abused, bullied and generally hassled everyone on the planet who is not a white male. Supposedly we are also responsible for every catastrophe, pestilence, famine, war or other barbaric act ever inflicted on mankind. Who knew?
A previously relatively unknown writer named Ta-Nehisi Coates writes an article in The Atlantic magazine claiming white men owe reparations to black people for slavery and all other races for our evil crimes against humanity. It has become the talk of all the major propaganda networks. Wendy Davis, the Democratic candidate for governor in Texas tells us that now "women don't iron the pants, the wear them", as if white males were now subhuman creatures. The list of white male transgressions go on and on. Just google 'evil white males' and you get 1,770,000 results, at least as of 4:52 p.m. on July 2.
Until recently the evidence suggested the United States of America was a nation conceived, built and preserved by mostly white men as it grew to become the greatest country in the history of the world, one that achieved the greatest prosperity and affluence ever and helped other countries around the world rebuild their societies following global conflicts and become prosperous as well. It was a nation that sacrificed young men and contributed billions of dollars to preserve freedom and democracy around the globe. It was a country that welcomed women and people of any ethnic group who desired to join in and work hard to be productive members of society and continue to increase the nations standards of living. That is evidenced by the rapidly increasing number of women and immigrants who have become top executives or built their own successful businesses. The one thing we didn't do, which may be the cause of the white male bashing, is we didn't want to encourage or facilitate people of any gender, race or religion whose intentions are to willfully become parasites on society.
But those days are gone. Barack Obama and the Demorats are intentionally creating an environment of hatred - hatred between ethnic groups, genders, age groups, income groups, urban vs rural, and the most obvious, all non-whites and women against men. It doesn't matter if the vast majority of white men struggled and worked their ass off to support their families and improve their situation in life. Demorats and their enablers claim all white males were privileged. Some were, and those white males who didn't have to work hard to enjoy their top one percent status are most likely Demorats. The rest of us know the claim is bullshit. Of course these privileged white males are not volunteering to sacrifice their wealth to rectify inequality. No, they expect the working stiffs of the middle class to sacrifice for that.
The Demorats are running the biggest scam in this country by claiming that Republicans are the party of big business and rich white men while Democrats are the party of minorities, women, the poor and the middle class. And the scam is working. The fact is the income and wealth gap is rapidly expanding under Obama and the Demorats because of their policies of bailing out the bankers and hedge funders, funding special interest government programs run by their cronies, and manipulating interest rates to benefit their benefactors.
Something is truly out of whack when the four highest earning hedge fund managers in America made more money than the combined salaries of all 157,800 kindergarten teachers (The Week magazine, 5/23/14). The real question is why anyone thinks that has anything to do with conservative policies since Demorats have been in charge of at least 2 out of the three legislative and executive branches of government 2/3 of the time under the last ten presidents (54 years) and 54% of the time under the last four (26 years).
Yet white males constantly have to hear and read lies about how we are keeping people of color and women down, the preferred phrase for the bogus accusation of preventing them from achieving success and affluence in America. Look around in politics, commerce, industry, medical and educational institutions and even the military. That accusation is pure bullshit. Today's Democratic Party is built on nothing but ripping apart the legacy of white males, a legacy that built a society open to all, and declaring war on them - a gender war and a race war. Demorats have nothing to offer regarding ideas and policies to maintain freedom, economic growth, equal opportunity, and national security, so they resort to lies, false promises - and demonization of white males. They encourage the politics of envy, taking from those who have earned it and giving it to those who haven't, rather than creating an environment where everyone can earn it. And lots of women and every ethnic group other than white are buying it. Demorats are selling mass hatred.
For over 230 years the country created and built predominately by white males achieved unprecedented success and spread freedom, democracy and affluence beyond anyone's imagination to every country whose citizens followed our lead, no matter what ethnic group or gender was in charge. Now we are being told by one political party in America that didn't really happen, a party that is offering nothing but generational theft, national bankruptcy, economic disincentives, social regimentation, autocratic mandates, and societal polarization. The United States of America was not broken. It doesn't need to be fixed, or changed. Perhaps we should focus on just trying to get along and let merit determine who our leaders are rather than lies and character assassinations.