Friday, March 27, 2015

Tyranny Of PC

I have found that I am angry a lot these days.  I think I know what is causing that.  Authoritarian Progressives, compliant Republicans, and politically correct society are causing it.  Perhaps the biggest problem with retirement from a day job is that it provides lots of time to observe, read, and reflect on what is going on around us.  That may not be a good thing.  Personally, I have come to the conclusion that either I am losing my sanity or this country is in really deep shit. 

One has to wonder how America can be the leader of the free world when America is no longer free.  Political Correctness now controls American society.  The very purpose of PC is to take away our freedom.  Americans our now told what to think and how to behave.  There is no longer freedom of speech.  Innocent private comments now result in banishment from society and disqualification from earning a living.  The PC Vigilantes have the audacity to proclaim every person accused of violating their self-established moral standards of being the lowest life forms on the face of the earth, subhuman trash to be exiled to spend the rest of their days in the fires of hell.  It doesn't matter if the accused is guilty or not, there will be no chance of self-defense or redemption.

Liberals are trying to change thousands of years of male behavior by dictating what is and what is not proper.  The PC theologians preach that men are Neanderthal brutes.  Any male who displays any objection to the rules of PC must be sent to a re-education camp.  Sensitivity training, diversity training, anger management classes, domestic violence counseling - all are products of politically correct assumptions that white men cause all of the world's problems.  What is the difference between those personality adjusting techniques and brainwashing?  The goal of American society today is to turn men into docile, compliant eunuchs.  The rules of PC say girls can be girls, boys can be girls, and girls can be boys, but boys can no longer be boys.

Liberals are delusional.  They think they are smarter than everyone else and therefore qualified to tell the rest of us what is good for us.  They create double standards imposing censorship on white men while allowing everyone else the freedom to insult, disparage and slander.  They reject any opposing opinions, including those actually based on independent scientific research instead of biased studies by subsidized charlatans.  They ignore decades of real experience and institute policies long discredited.  They demand that we accept their fantasies because of their pretentious presumption of superior intelligence and moral authority.

Liberals do not believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  They claim sole possession of truth and virtue.  They cannot comprehend that they could be wrong.  Perhaps it would be a revelation to the PC crowd, but very few of us so-called Neanderthals would disagree with the statement that a man should never hit a woman.  There is never a valid reason for doing such a thing.  But contrary to the favorite platitude of estrogen engendered wimps, sometimes violence does solve problems.  Sometimes violence is necessary.  If someone deliberately punches you in the nose or harms your children, it doesn't solve anything to turn the other cheek or gain solace from the fact you have other children.  If some organization crashes airplanes into your skyscrapers, it solves nothing to gather a crowd in a public place with candles, hold hands, sing kumbaya, be sad together, and hope the perps will feel bad about hurting our feelings. 

In America today, educational institutions, business enterprises, and social organizations go ballistic if anyone steps out of line with the PC standards.  But we live in a nation where every form of entertainment from movies to television shows to music is based on sex.  So is the clothes women wear and every day advertising.  Isn't it a bit hypocritical to condemn, suspend and close down college fraternities, other organizations, and individuals for engaging in behavior that is constantly promoted by the popular media?  Progressives don't think so.

Furthermore, what's the difference between hip hop music (abuse the bitch, kill the cops, nigga this, nigga that) and using politically incorrect words in harmless songs sung in the privacy of a social group's gathering?  Seems to me the public display of trash in hip hop culture and the subsequent drug dealing and random murder on inner city streets is much worse than what goes on behind the closed doors of a fraternity house.  Apparently it is now a crime to be young and stupid, punishable by destruction of the guilty party's life.  Actually, what is really beyond comprehension is why no one is asking these questions?

Liberals indoctrinate us every day with their sermon that racism is the biggest problem in America.  Perhaps they should ask everyone they consider to be a racist if those folks would vote for a Ben Carson, Alan West, or Condoleeza Rice for president over Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi.  I am quite confident the overwhelming majority of them would say yes.  Of course a few unenlightened fringe elements would say no.  Every nation in the world has those who will never be tolerant of others.  The only way to change that is to kill them all.  Would liberals advocate that?  Given their constant vilification and flagrant contempt of those who disagree with them, the answer is not obvious.

Racism is not the problem.  The problem is persecution - persecution of those who do not conform to the standards of liberal politically correct thought and behavior.  It is not racism that liberals detest.  It is freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of association, and democracy that they hate.  Liberals are the ones who say black Americans are not intelligent enough to succeed without government assistance.  Liberals should look in the mirror.  Democrats are the real racists in America.

What all men in America, white, black, or brown, need in order to preserve our own sanity is for politically correct liberals to stop pissing us off.  We are pissed off because we are witnessing the death of free speech, competing opinions, and intellectual diversity in America.  We are watching our country be destroyed by arrogant, contemptuous, self-righteous, politically correct totalitarian dictators before our very eyes.  Progressives are revising our history and indoctrinating our children with socialist trash.  Progressivism is no different than communism, fascism, or even Islam.  The goal of each is to silence any opposition and create a society they can control.  That is not democracy, liberty, nor justice for all.  It is tyranny.

Monday, March 09, 2015

Revising History

 Questions for liberals -

1.  Who sent the first American combat troops into Vietnam?
            John F. Kennedy

2.  Who escalated the Vietnam war?
            Lyndon Johnson

3.  What president started drawing down American troops in Vietnam his first day in office?
            Richard Nixon

4.  What political party was founded for the primary purpose of ending slavery?

5.  Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves?
            Abraham Lincoln, a Republican

6.  Which political party welcomed the first three black people as members of the Senate?

7.  Has the growth of the welfare state done anything to solve the problems of poverty, drug abuse, inferior education, and hopelessness in the inner cities of America?
            No, they have gotten worse

8.  Has the distribution of income in America become more equitable under Barack Obama?
            No, the disparity has become much greater

9.  Have African-Americans gained responsible positions at the top levels of every profession and activity in America over the last fifty years?
            Yes, in every endeavor

10.  If African-Americans have become successful corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, educators, entrepreneurs, and politicians, was that due to affirmative action or the intelligence and hard work of those who became successful?
            Debatable, but most of the successful ones would say hard work

The greatest revision of American history occurred following the greatest cleavage in American history.  Nearly all of the polarization in American society can be traced back to the 1960's.  The cleavage was caused by two tumultuous events - the Vietnam War and the civil rights movement.  Somehow the Democrats have emerged as the heroes and the Republicans the villains, despite the indisputable facts that a Democrat started America's participation in the war, a Democrat escalated it, and a Republican wound it down.  Why do Republicans always get the blame?  If The Vietnam War was a mistake, it was brought to us by Democrats.

Regarding civil rights, few seem to know that a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than Democrats did in both houses of Congress.  Few seem to know that a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the Voting Rights Act of 1965 than did Democrats in both houses of Congress.  Somehow the issue of equal rights for all, an ideal no one in their right mind could oppose, was transformed by the Democrats who controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress into the socialist concept of an unaffordable welfare state controlled by an expanding central government that dominates the economy and limits personal freedom.  The welfare state has led to violent poverty stricken inner cities, the destruction of the traditional family, and inescapable dependency on government.  It has been a complete failure.

Someone needs to inform those who vote for Democrats that they have done nothing for them.  They presume African-Americans are inferior and need preferential support to succeed.  Republicans believe African-Americans are just as intellectually capable as anyone else in being equal contributors to the social fabric and economic prosperity of America.  Republicans also recognize that there are many among us of every ethnic group that do need help, and they believe in providing support to those who truly need it.  What Republicans don't believe in is throwing away money to government programs that not only don't work but make the problems worse, sustaining the poverty and crime of the inner cities and creating dependency.  Unfortunately, Democrats do believe in those programs, for no other reason than they buy them votes.

As long as liberals are in charge of establishing educational curriculums, writing the school books, and controlling America's educators through the teachers unions, our children will not be learning the important truths about American history, American values, and the freedom and prosperity we have created and shared throughout the globe.  And as long as the liberals control the majority of the sources of information in America, i.e., the news media, the broadcast networks, the ivory towers of social policy institutions, and the entertainment industry, the revised history they created will continue to be reinforced.  That is called brainwashing supplemented by propaganda, and it is what the Democrats do best.