OK. Enough is enough. Time to get serious, right? I mean, those who say they support Hillary, Bernie, or the Donald are joking, aren't they?
If they're not, then Americans are clearly suffering from collective dementia. If this is reality, then the 2016 presidential election is a national nightmare. Obviously not enough people have done their homework, or understand the consequences. This is not a game show. Celebrity worship has no place in selecting a national leader. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, unprincipled, dishonest miscreant. Donald Trump is a buffoonish, bombastic, bullshitting bully. This will not end well if either becomes our next president.
What is so Armageddonish about Hillary and Trump? Hillary is the quintessential corrupt establishment politician. Hillary constantly talks about her government experience. What she doesn't acknowledge is that experience is all bad. She and Bill have become ultra-rich by accepting highly questionable and arguably illegal bribes from domestic benefactors on Wall Street and corporate America as well as foreign governments and individuals to provide favorable results in federal matters that the Clinton's can and do influence. Despite her constant pandering to blacks, women, and LGBT's, as well as pledging help for the poor and middle class, she has done nothing for anyone but the top 1% during her time in government office. And her actions, or more accurately inactions, as Secretary of State have cost American lives.
Donald Trump is no less megalomaniacal and psychopathic than Barack Obama. He would ignore the Constitution and the separation of powers no less than Obama has. His personality would further antagonize and polarize the American public and foreign allies, creating even more animosity towards American power and arrogance as he pursues destructive isolationist trade policies and conducts his usual hateful rhetoric. Hell, for most of his life he was a Democrat. He has made substantial contributions to the Clinton's in the past. He frequently changes his mind on major issues back and forth. His only skill is promoting himself as a brand.
Maybe the damage done by the Progressive authoritarians to America's national security, economic prosperity, individual rights, and opportunities for personal fulfillment will not be immediately apparent to everyone, but it is reality. Since the election of Barack Obama and the Progressive's imposition of the politically correct society, for the first time in my life I have been witnessing the gradual erosion of our basic freedoms. The tyranny of PC, the brainwashing of our children and grandchildren by the liberal educational system, and the socialist bias of the news media has created a polarized, dysfunctional society. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump are the result. The best days of American democracy and capitalism are now behind us.
By the way, what exactly is it that causes people to dislike Ted Cruz. He is the only proven anti-establishment candidate in the race, even though the media tries to label him as establishment. Cruz is the only one talking about limiting the growth of government and reversing the 7 1/2 years of Obamanation. Cruz does have some strong conservative views on certain issues that many of us don't agree with, but good grief, look at the alternatives.
Americans are sick and tired of everything Big that controls their lives - big government, big business, big media, big academia, i.e., the Big Brother Establishment. We have also had enough of a dictator for President, a worthless Congress, a liberal Supreme Court, and PC bullshit being crammed down our throats. Hillary is the poster child for all of that, the Donald is nothing more than a clueless blowhard, and Bernie is just, well, wacko. It is time for a conservative with some balls who will shake up government as usual. That is Ted Cruz. That is why the Democrats and the establishment Republicans hate him so much, and why Big Media spreads so much misleading propaganda about him. People need to take a look at the reality of Cruz rather than the liberal media generated hogwash. There are more important issues at stake than abortion.
Of course, there really isn't a whole lot left to say about how America has gone insane when the biggest election year political issue is what public bathrooms people should use. Apparently people today would rather focus on the absurd, the mundane, and the irrelevant rather than the important, even life-threatening issues that confront America.
I suppose if Americans want buffoon Donald Trump, corrupt Hillary Clinton, or goofy Bernie Sanders as their president, then that's what they deserve. Ain't my country anymore anyway. Obama saw to that. No freedom of speech. No freedom of choice. No freedom to disagree with the PC bullshit. If you don't conform you're condemned and ostracized. This used to be America. RIP!