O.K. Enough is enough. You can't even read the sports page any more without being over-exposed to politically correct bullshit. Yesterday they complain about there being no black players on the Houston Astro's roster. Today they double the dose with front page stories about a WNBA pro basketball player "heroically" coming out of the closet and then the Air Force Academy's football coach's supposedly inflammatory comment that "Afro-American kids can run very, very well". The only rational response to these non-issues is so what, who cares, and they can.
There is no law that says blacks have to outnumber whites (or latinos) on every baseball team, like they do in nearly every other sport even though they are only 12% of the population in America. No one really cares any more whether some guys like guys and some girls like girls - it is a fact of life. And you don't see many white guys running the sprints on the track team.
Political Correctness is out of control in America. The Triple F's - feminazi's, faggots (the word is in the dictionary, so bitch to Webster, not me) and freeloaders - loudly proclaim to be victims of white male oppression. It is way past time for these people to shut the hell up. They are not oppressed or victimized. They are just exceedingly vocal, arrogant, self-absorbed, spoiled brats who think they are entitled to get their own way, and that the rest of us owe it to them. This is the only country in the world where they can get away with their bullshit.
The vast majority of us don't give a damn about their behavior, while they want to control ours. They don't give a damn about our opinions, but are outraged when we don't agree with theirs. We are more than willing to co-exist, but they need to get out of our faces. We are not obligated to condone or support their lifestyle. I, nor anyone I know, has ever enslaved or discriminated against anyone, disrespected or demeaned any women, or gotten in the face of a faggot and called him a pervert. I am not, nor are any other white people I know, "The Man". We are not keeping anyone "down".
But if you are a heterosexual white male (or any hard working straight man of any race) in America working your butt off to make a decent living for your family instead of sermonizing from some academic ivory tower or left wing think tank, you have experienced your share of being kicked around. Most likely you were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth, have struggled to get ahead, and been disrespected, demeaned and discriminated against many times in your life. And in this day and age, you are demonized. Sooner or later white males will start to take this abuse seriously and snap, and it won't be pretty. That is not a threat, that is a prediction. So it might be about time for the Triple F's to shut the hell up.
Most of what I have written here will offend a lot of people. So what! It's certainly O.K. for the Triple F's to offend us. They can say anything they want (ever listened to a rap song, watched an R or X rated movie or listened to a conservative bashing political rally?), but the rest of us can't. That is bullshit, and it is way past time to call it bullshit.
In America today you can't say this stuff. The Triple F's are working as hard as they can to outlaw the truth, and any Neanderthal white male chauvinist pig who utters the truth is ostracized at best and hung by his gonads and stoned at worst. I, for one, have had enough of political correctness. I am tired of left-wingers telling me how I should think, how I should live my life, and that I am a mean and evil demon oppressing and victimizing humanity. In reality, I am guilty of nothing more than not blindly and contritely accepting their bullshit. And if you are a white heterosexual male who because of incessant bombardment of pc theory has started to believe and accept their bullshit, pull your head out of your ass before it is too late.
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