The Democrats in the senate have again blocked legislation to allow drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Given that we are as of now dependent on unstable Arab countries and increasingly unfriendly Venezuela for our supplies of oil, and given that the northeastern shore of Alaska is not exactly a vacation garden spot for neither man nor beast, this continued obstruction boggles the mind. One has to wonder if Democrats are on the side of the United States of America or our enemies.
Environmentalists and their protagonists in the mainstream media loudly proclaim that it is the fault of SUV drivers in fly-over country that we have an energy shortage and resultant high prices. I wonder if any of these greenies want to give up their grossly oversize houses, which also consume massive quantities of energy, or cut down on their jetting from coast to coast or to Europe in gas-guzzling private jets or first-class seats to lecture the rest of us about saving energy.
I really try to be independent in my political thinking. I am not ideologically tied to either party. I think Tom DeLay is a sleazeball, just as is nearly every other senator or representative in Washington today. An honest, dedicated, rational and qualified person finds it nearly impossible to get elected in the current environment of lying, cheating, interest group pandering, and character assassinating election campaigns. But even if the nature of politics tends to attract the less admirable among us, one would still think they would try to act in the best interests of our country.
I am very disappointed with the Republican party as they seem to be no better than their opposition in addressing out of control government spending for entitlement programs. Nor do they seem to understand the basic stimulative qualities of Ronald Reagan's tax policies - low rates accompanied by overall fairness through the elimination of tax loopholes.
But I simply do not understand why the current leadership of the Democratic party advocates doing all the wrong things. They want to raise taxes, which is a guaranteed way to derail economic growth. They want to give up the fight against terrorists, which would allow them to regroup and rebuild to come back even stronger down the road. And they act to keep a lid on development of natural resources, which indicates they are intent on forcing a return to the dark ages. Those aren't exactly ideas that will "promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity" (From the Preamble to the US Constitution).
Historically Democrats have advocated the same things as Republicans. JFK cut taxes. FDR led us into war to preserve our freedoms. They have in the past always supported free markets, capitalism and progress. But no more. They have devolved into lunatic, power mad obstructionists whose only goal is to overthrow our democratically elected government through any means possible. Their stated plans are a prescription for the destruction of individual freedom, equal opportunity and rising standards of living - and the eventual return to serfdom, tyranny and economic stagnation.
Great civilizations have risen and disappeared throughout history. We shouldn't be so smug to believe that it can't happen again. No nation on earth can bring us to our knees. Only we can do that to ourselves, and the Democrats are trying their hardest to make it happen.
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