Saturday, April 21, 2012

It Is Time!

The firestorm created by the shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida by a neighborhood watch volunteer is a prime example of the difficulties we face as a coherent, unified nation.  The politically correct politicians and journalists created a hysterical reaction to the event before the facts were even known.  They have committed a great disservice to the country by creating a racial conflagration that is not justified no matter what really happened.  It is time for journalists and politicians to stop fanning the flames of polarization.

It is time for everyone in America to think for themselves, wake up and smell the coffee.  It is time for Latinos to realize they are in the United States of America, not Northern Mexico, and to stop supporting those who come to this country illegally and consume our resources.  They need to get more involved in politics, and adapt to the American culture, laws, language and educational system.  Most of those who have been here for several generations have already done so, and their influence is growing as it should.  They must help the newer legal arrivals to integrate into our society as well.

It is time for Asian-Americans to come out of their familial rabbit holes and intermingle with the rest of the American people.  Asians don't seem to hate anybody even though they remain on the fringes of society by their own choice, focusing on making sure their children excel in academics.  Promoting intellectual achievement is certainly a good thing, but it wouldn't hurt for them to get out and hang out with the rest of us a bit more.

It is past time for African-Americans to stop their ingrained hatred of whites.  They need to throw off the yoke of low expectations and dependency, blame themselves now and then for the crime, victimization and welfare centric attitudes rampant in their community, stop listening to the pandering of politicians who never improve their situation, and reach out to take advantage of the opportunities America offers to all its citizens.  A great many African-Americans have already taken advantage of those opportunities and become great leaders in business, politics, education, medicine and military endeavors.  They should be the ones serving as role models to young blacks, not rappers, gangbangers or Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Multiculturalism is a wonderful thing as long as it does not dominate the over-riding national culture.  We are all Americans and we are in this together.  The intermingling of the different races has progressed exponentially over the last several decades, but obviously there is still a ways to go.  There will always be a very small minority of dimwitted bigots running around, but the fact is the vast majority of white people have evolved to a post-racial, inclusive society.  Despite the tired old rhetoric of the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's, there is really nothing more white folks can do to change anyone's mind about that.  If black people still don't believe it, then they never will no matter how accomodative white's become.

But let's all be honest rather than politically correct.  A majority of black people still hate all of the other racial groups in America, particularly the whites.  Black's believe they are being racially oppressed, think they are owed something by white America, and refuse to acknowledge any evidence to the contrary.  They believe this because the media and liberal politicians continually tell them so.  Liberal political policies encourage that sense of entitlement, leaving them dependent on government programs and holding them back from joining and participating in the more affluent world.  That is the real oppression, and it is inflicted upon them by the politicians they support.

Of course now I will be called a racist by the knee-jerk reactionaries who don't ever want to hear anything that challenges the politically correct narrative.  Certainly the comments I have made here are all generalizations, as many folks from each community have already worked hard and moved up in the world.  But there is also a lot of truth to what has been written, and most people know it even if they are afraid to say it.  Unfortunately, our society will never become truly integrated until we all recognize those basic truths.  It is time for politicians and journalists to dispose of their politically correct attitudes of moral superiority and recognize the real world the rest of us live in.

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