Given much of the junk floating around the internet, and even more dangerously, published on the pages of supposedly respectable newspapers and magazines, it has become impossible to believe anything you read anymore. Each side of the political spectrum publishes propaganda extolling the virtues of their candidates for public office and condemning the wickedness of their opponents. Neither side has a monopoly on veracity, and a lot of what is said, published or broadcast is distorted, misleading, inaccurate and often outright lies. Unfortunately, a lot of people do believe the biased propaganda without question. Which makes it all the more interesting that so many ignore the information that is indisputable.
Most American political leaders over the years have believed in the values and goals established by our founding fathers. Of course many of the politicians have been corrupt charlatans focused on their own self-interest rather than the interests of those who elected them. But generally they understood and believed in the American legacy of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free enterprise and democracy. Today that is no longer true. One party seems to believe in none of those things.
We now have a president whose formative years were spent associating with and under the tutelage of radical and subversive Marxist mentors. Barack Obama has always identified with and been influenced by anti-American radicals. These include Bill Ayers, a co-founder of the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group that bombed several public buildings in the 60's and 70's; Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a pastor who preached condemnation and hatred of white Americans; leftist agitator Franklin Davis Marshall; and many others whose goals are to destroy the traditional economic system and society that gave America freedom, justice, prosperity and equal opportunity. Obama's relationships with these people is indisputable, and nearly every action he has taken as president has advanced their goals of rejecting our economic system and traditional social values. But of course in this campaign season it is off limits to question those relationships.
Throughout our history Americans have always been able to improve our aggregate standard of living through individual initiative and taking advantage of opportunities that exist provided by the incentives of private enterprise and limited government interference. That is what has driven progress and created widespread affluence. But this president and his supporters believe big government is the solution to every aspect of our existence, with government bureaucrats dictating the proper way to conduct our lives. They prescribe what is best for everyone, eliminating freedom of choice. They think that providing subsidies and grants encouraging their agenda and a politically correct education for the young will produce the ideal society. But they are wrong.
Government determined industrial policy and generous welfare programs destroy progress and living standards. Already we are near the inflection point where the majority of the population has become dependent on government to sustain their current lifestyle, and a government directed economy cannot possibly do that. A government subsidized college education is worthless when there are no jobs for the younger generation to fill. Those with the ability and ambition to better their lives through personal achievement will find they do not have the opportunity to do so. They will not enjoy the lives their parents did because the government will determine what opportunities they have, and they will be limited.
All one has to do is observe how such policies have worked out elsewhere around the globe whenever they have been tried. One can observe the limited choices of low quality merchandise available to buy and the depressing tenements that are prevalent in socialist countries to see that dependency on government cannot possibly improve their lives. One can look to Europe today to see the result of decades of policies that support people from cradle to grave. Greece is on fire as the citizens riot in the streets demanding the lifestyle that can no longer be provided. Other European countries are next unless they pull their heads out and confront reality. Those countries are Obama's vision for us as he strives to implement the same policies here that have brought 'progressive' countries to their knees. The historical record of inevitable failure of socialist policies is indisputable. Those who vote for Obama this fall may get lucky and die before the most serious consequences of that mistake arrive in America. But they will have doomed our children.
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