There is nothing more depressing than reading polls that claim Barack Obama still has a large lead among voters in the 2012 presidential election. America as we have known it is apparently gone. It is beyond sad what we have become, an anti-capitalist centrally controlled socialist welfare state that ignores the Constitution, suppresses our freedom, confiscates our wealth, polarizes our society, destroys our living standards and creates an authoritarian dictatorship of privileged cronies. America is becoming like Iran, ruled by an autocratic clique of self-righteous fanatics who dictate our behavior according to their holy principles. The only difference is that America's dictators religion is Marxism rather than Shiite Islam, and their holy principles are found in "Das Kapital" and "The Communist Manifesto" rather than The Koran.
Only morons can believe the way to sustain living standards is to encourage the unemployed to stay unemployed with generous welfare checks, food stamps and health care support, financed by either going further in debt or taking more money from the productive members of society who already provide nearly all of the resources that government consumes. Certainly every country needs a safety net for those who truly need it, but we cannot afford to maintain a parasitical lifestyle for those who just take advantage of the system.
The big government, cradle to grave social policies being forced on us by Obama and his communist cronies are the same policies that have brought Europe to its knees and California, Illinois, Michigan and other 'progressive' states to insolvency. I know the majority of black folks will vote for Obama because they think he is one of them, even if they look around the neighborhood and realize he hasn't done a damn thing for them. I am disappointed in Latinos since I thought they were more interested in improving the living standards of their families by participating in our traditional capitalist job creating economy than the polls indicate they are. But I cannot comprehend what it is that women and young people don't understand about the ultimate result of the policies that have ruined Europe and bankrupted the states controlled by the Democratic Party. Are they so uninterested in the truth that they buy into Obama's bullshit but don't see the disastrous consequences.
It is not too late to preserve what we have. It can certainly be argued that the United States is a mature country and that its period of strong growth is behind it. But the standards of living we have gained over the last century do not have to disappear. Even though we may be entering a period of more modest economic growth, life can still be pretty good. That is, if we can all realize the opportunities people have available to improve themselves that capitalism and private enterprise can still offer rather than polarizing into jealous adversaries demanding more freebies from the more affluent who already carry the load.
Unfortunately, the favorable outcome is not likely to occur with the anti-capitalist income redistributors and social polarizers now in the White House and in charge of the Senate. We can only hope that America's women and children will open their eyes, observe where we are headed and realize that Barack Obama and his propagandists in the major media networks are lying to them.
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