I wonder if there has ever been as much change in the world as in my lifetime. I was born in 1949. Sixty years ago there were no personal computers or cell phones, and only three television channels. So there has been what most would call some progress since that time. But a few other things have changed that are a little harder to explain or understand.
Throughout all of human history until less than sixty years ago -
- marriage was between a man and a woman.
- men worked to support and protect their families. Some women worked outside the home, but men were the head of the household and the primary bread winner.
- people were self-sufficient and responsible for themselves rather than being dependent on government for their support.
- most children had a mother and a father and were raised in a traditional family environment.
- younger generations respected their elders and profited from their accumulated wisdom.
- religion had a strong influence in most peoples lives, and religious organizations were the primary source of charity for the poor.
Furthermore, sixty years ago in America -
- all but a few radicals knew that socialism and communism were tyrannical and oppressive forms of government, and that capitalism was the only economic philosophy that created prosperity for the greatest number of people.
- more men than women graduated from college, went to work and made money to support the family because somebody had to stay home and raise the children to become responsible members of society rather than gangbangers, drug dealers, dope heads and school drop-outs.
- we didn't all agree politically but were tolerant of other opinions of how to reach common goals.
- the economy depended on private enterprise and free markets providing incentives for entrepreneurs to create new products at prices people could afford, fueling job growth and improving everyones standard of living, even those at the bottom of the income scale. Today big government arrogantly claims it knows what is best for the American consumer, taking over whole sectors of the economy and placing more rules and regulations on the rest, deciding what favored industries receive new capital, killing incentives by redistributing income to its labor union benefactors, and burdening the country with an economy that cannot grow or create jobs.
- investing in the common stocks of American companies was the way to build wealth and security for the future, not buying low yielding Treasuries and complicated high risk derivatives or giving money to financial advisers, hedge funds and private equity managers to make money for themselves.
- government spent money on necessary and noble things such as defending the country from foreign aggression and rocketing men into space, expenditures that resulted in high technology by-products that benefitted all mankind, rather than spending money it doesn't have giving away freebies to buy votes.
- we knew we were the greatest country on earth, the defenders of democracy for Western Civilization and the economic engine of global prosperity, rather than the center of greed and the destroyer of the environment as we are constantly being lectured by socialist greenie extremists. In fact, sixty years ago no one knew there were any socialist greenie extremists.
- the Federal Reserve was an independent agency charged with maintaining full employment, low inflation and a stable currency rather than the fourth branch of government charged with bailing out the big bankers from their disastrous mistakes.
- people did not go to the hospital emergency room for head colds and stomach aches since the cost of doing so came out of their own pocket, and abortions and contraceptives were not free at taxpayer expense.
- the average white male had a much better chance to succeed in life since he wasn't fighting against government programs and subsidies that benefit women and minorities. There wasn't the war on men that is being conducted today by left wing politicians who disguise it by proclaiming the cruel joke of a politically contrived war on women.
- we were not forced to conform to politically correct behavior and the collectivist doctrines of the party in power. We could think freely, speak our own minds and disagree with others without suffering retribution and vilification.
- public schools taught history, english, math and science rather than environmentalism, gender and ethnic studies, politically correct revised history and indoctrination in the cult of Obama.
- children played outside with their friends all day without parental supervision instead of having every minute of every day planned and orchestrated for them by their parents living vicariously through them. Most kids were normal, not special, and they turned out more psychologically prepared for adulthood.
- the major media networks were not the propaganda arm of the progressive / communist movement to take over the American government.
- a man with no experience in the private sector, little experience in government, and whose closest associates were known anti-American radical subversives and self-proclaimed Marxists could not be elected president.
The changes in the last sixty years have been historical and profound. They have turned traditional culture and relationships upside down. I, for one, do not think they bode well for the future of our country. But even though many things have changed, it seems one thing never will. No matter how integrated and tolerant America becomes, no matter how many black corporate CEO's, black doctors, black lawyers, black university professors, and black presidents become wealthy and influential in America, liberals will always accuse white people of being racists.
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