Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Two Simple Questions

Perhaps most Democrats mean well.  They just don't understand economics, math and history.  If they did they could see for themselves that Barack Obama has us on a course of self-destruction.  Democrats also must be exceptionally gullible.  They believe everything the socialist propagandists tell them.  Maybe that is because they want to.  After all, blaming all of the country's problems on the other guy certainly has appeal, as does proclaiming the other guy was successful because he was taking advantage of you.  Fact is, the only folks taking advantage of those who vote for Democrats are the people they are voting for.

Democrats win elections by promoting class warfare.  I can understand that the have nots will always want what the haves have.  That is human nature.  What I don't understand is why people think Democrats can make everything better by taking from half the population to give to the other half.   All that does is produce a society that degenerates into shared poverty, social division, ethnic hatred, and often chaotic violence.  Everyone is a loser.  Why would anyone want to doom their children to that kind of future just because today some others may be better off than they are?

Anyone paying attention should be able to tell by now that Obama's big government socialist policies of deficit spending and straight-jacketing private enterprise do not work and only sink the country deeper into economic decline and social polarization.  His propaganda machine jumps on every minor positive blip in any economic indicator to trumpet that the turnaround is here, even though the blip represents nothing more than a brief hiccup or a short-lived anomaly in a flatlining economy.  How much political propaganda can people listen to before they start believing what they see with their own eyes?  How much damage can government do to America's commercial and industrial foundation before people realize we are witnessing the destruction of our nation's legacy and our own future?

I think the basic problem among conservatives is that none of them can really believe Obama is even in the ball game, let alone leading in the polls.  Rational people just don't get it.  His record in both domestic and foreign affairs indicates he should have a tough time being elected dog catcher, let alone president of the free world's leading power.  The whole thing is surreal, leaving conservatives speechless and comatose in disbelief.  They had better snap out of it and get their shit together now.  If they don't, they will lose.

Conservatives had better believe that a large percentage of the elderly have been convinced by the Democrats propaganda that Republicans will take away their social security, Medicare and Medicaid.  Republicans had better begin to believe that a large percentage of those under 30 have been indoctrinated in environmentalism, feminism, income redistribution, America the global bully and the compassion of government versus the cold-heartedness of capitalism.  Republicans had better begin to believe that a large percentage of women have been brainwashed into believing conservatives are waging war on women.

Reality does not matter in this election.  People only respond to what they hear and see in the media.  Republicans better get creative real soon to dispel the lies the Democrats have been spreading.  They had better find some competent people who are capable of getting the truth and the facts out to the voters.  Communication is the key to winning elections.  One has to wonder why Republicans suck so badly at it?

If Republicans cannot get their message together, then at the very least they should ask voters to ask themselves two simple questions.  First, what economic system powered the United States of America to become the most productive and affluent country in human history - socialism and central government control of the economy, or capitalism with private enterprise and free markets?  Second, what social system allows the greatest freedom, security and opportunity for all citizens - one that mandates conformity to government determined politically correct behavior, or one that guarantees liberty and justice for all as stated in the Constitution?  If Americans don't know the difference between those choices then the battle is already lost.

Oh, and by the way.  In case voters haven't noticed, Russia's Vladimir Putin, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Cuba's Castro's have all endorsed Barack Obama.  Does that tell you anything?  Hell, with no voter ID's required, maybe each of them will come on over and vote for Obama along with the illegal aliens and the dead people.

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