Dear Boomers,
We regret to inform you that the country you inherited from your parents, grew up in, whose freedom and prosperity you have enjoyed, has passed away. It has moved on to join Rome and Ancient Greece, the other great Western civilizations of history. The country suffered its demise following five decades of continual assault from progressive forces that in the fall of 2012 finally defeated the principles, philosophy and values that had produced the greatest country in the history of the world.
A new culture has taken its place, one of capitulation to divisive multi-culturalism, personal dependency, unaffordable entitlements, social immorality, and economic destruction. The takeover has been accompanied by central government dominance and control of economic activity, mandated compliance with politically correct personal behavior, and the denial of individual rights. Special interest group favoritism and autocratic manipulation have taken charge. And we boomers let it happen.
Bob Dylan wrote the anthem of the baby boom generation, 'The Times They Are A-Changin', about the social revolution of the 1960's. It told the older generation, the one now known as The Greatest Generation that through unselfish personal sacrifice preserved freedom and democracy in brutal wars against cruel dictators, to get out of the way of what they don't understand. While America prospered and security was maintained thanks to the deeds of that older generation, the children were allowed to run wild. They embarked on an idealistic mission to create the perfect society, where everyone did what they want, lived in peace and harmony, sang kumbaya, and lived happily ever after. Unfortunately, like all good intentions based on fantasy rather than reality, it didn't work. Instead they created a society that lived beyond its means, resulting in a dangerously divided, security challenged, bankrupt country on the verge of implosion.
Today a new generation has what they think is a new social revolution underway in America. But it is not really new. Instead of learning from the previous experience, the new generation apparently believes we can double down on the ideology and policies that created this situation in the first place as a solution to work our way out of it. We continually spent more than we earned and created a colossal debt problem. So this generation thinks we need to create even more debt. We created too much dependency on government. So the brilliant young folks think we must make people even more dependent. We placed too much of the tax burden on those who are productive, so they think we must tax them even more. The only difference of the new revolution is that it is leading even faster down the road to national insolvency, dependence on government, social polarization and eventual self-destruction.
According to the exit polls of the 2012 election, the National Election Pool reported that voters 65 and older voted for the Romney-Ryan ticket over Obama-Biden by 58% to 41%, and the 45 to 65 age group picked Romney-Ryan by 51% to 47%. Maybe the voting age needs to be raised. But experience apparently means nothing anymore. By the age of 40 we have all seen and heard the outrageous lies, empty promises, blatant hypocrisy, creative campaign propaganda and demonization of opponents, and we no longer buy into it. We know it is all bullshit. Never-the-less, the younger generations who voted Obama back into office will still blame us down the road when they find themselves impoverished, oppressed, despondent, insecure and with no way out of their situation. They will blame us for not telling them. We did, but they weren't listening.
Certainly not all of our children turned out stupid. After all, 40% of those under 30 were smart enough to recognize the Obama scam and voted for Romney. But as parents, boomers are responsible for those who drank the Kool-Aid and handed the country back to an arrogant, inexperienced, left wing ideologue who has no clue about how to run any organization, let alone the most powerful nation on earth. Boomers gave their kids everything without making them earn it. That was a big mistake.
Maybe it is time for the baby boom generation to wake up and make a stand, to ignore Dylan and get in the faces of the self-centered, permissive, unethical, immoral society we created and finally discipline our coddled, spoiled, over-indulged offspring. If we would, maybe we could recover our own sense of responsibility and fulfill our obligation of maintaining our heritage by defending democracy and freedom from the assault of the autocratic self-proclaimed know-it-alls of the new age Progressives.
Unfortunately, given the results of the latest election, it looks like it is too late. We will more likely be known as the generation that lost America. Authority has passed from the experienced to the inexperienced, from competence to incompetence, from collaberation to confrontation, from what works in the real world to what intellectual eggheads fantasize in ivory towers and upscale urban drawing rooms. Too bad. We had a good thing going.
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