Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ignoring the Essential, Obsessed with the Inconsequential

America has a big problem.  Democrats, or Progressives if that is what they prefer, are in charge of the country's agenda.  Apparently these folks think they are the intellectual elite who have the answers to solve every problem.  First of all, they do not understand what the real problems are as evidenced by their focus on secondary issues (gun control, gay rights, abortion); issues that no longer exist (racism); that are misguided (immigration, where they favor immigrants that add to the welfare roles rather than educated entrepreneurs); that are not sufficiently understood (climate change); and that are not the business of federal government (health care).  Meanwhile, they ignore the real issues that are the responsibility of federal government (national security, sustainable economic growth, generational theft through entitlements).

Second, the politicians solution to every problem is bigger government, meaning to throw more of someone else's money at it.  Of course the exception is national security, where reseach and development is not only needed to stay ahead of potential adversaries, but the funding also provides essential jobs and productive innovation that transfers to the private sector.  Unfortunately, those in political power continue to ignore the clear evidence that government solutions to non-defense issues don't work.  Avoiding the real problems and spending all their time on issues that have little to do with our survival, prosperity and most significant social crisis is inexcusable dereliction of duty.  Only politicians, college professors, media pundits and complete morons (redundant?) could be so out of touch with reality.

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