It should surprise no one that the National Security Agency is collecting metadata on phone calls and emails of American citizens. It may even be necessary due to the constant threat of terrorism in the world today. But given this administration's record of lying to the public about every issue from the cost of ObamaCare to the recent Benghazi, IRS and spying on journalists scandals, who could possibly trust them to use the information they gather solely for the purpose they contend? They have demonstrated they will do anything to maintain power and eliminate their political opponents through any means, including illegal and unethical. They simply cannot be trusted.
Of course it is the quintessential example of hypocrisy that Barack Obama and his attack dogs demonized George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld during his first presidential campaign for doing the same things using the same methods Obama has doubled-down on since becoming president. That is Obama's standard operating procedure. It is also a clear indication that Barack Obama was either too ignorant and irresponsible to be president of the United States or an unethical, immoral, deliberately dishonest fraud. Personally, I think he is all of the above.
I am sick and tired of the Democratic Party's major media propaganda machine determining that every activity undertaken by Republicans in office is a crime against humanity while the same actions taken by Democrats in office is in the public interest. Now the Obama image makers are telling us that the NSA has been ultra successful under the Obama regime's leadership in uncovering and thwarting over fifty planned terrorist operations, of course without giving any verifiable proof. We are just supposed to believe them.
Since the NSA is conducting these operations I would certainly hope the efforts would have achieved some actionable results. But that doesn't mean they won't also listen in on private phone conversations and read private emails as well. They tell us they would never use the information gathered from data monitoring to spy on individual Americans, and again we are just supposed to blindly believe them. They told us Benghazi was about a blasphemous movie and not a terrorist assault, too.
It is not much of a leap for this administration from routine data mining to monitoring the communications of political opponents. They have already been caught in intentional outright lies, demonstrating you can't believe a word these people say. Wouldn't it be nice to employ a private network of hackers to gather the same metadata the NSA is gathering and use it to track government officials emails and phone calls to see what they are really up to.
Democrats have shown time and time again that they will lie about anything to get elected and embellish their accomplishments in office, and Barack Obama is clearly the Liar in Chief. The last time their candidate for president had any integrity at all was 1988 with Michael Dukakis. He was an unabashed liberal, and there is nothing wrong with that other than he believes in the wrong policies. He was not a habitual lying opportunist, as every one of their candidates since has been (Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama - and, if current opinion holds, the disaster in waiting known as Hillary).
Having stated that the methods used to conduct national security operations are probably necessary but the people conducting those operations cannot be trusted to abide by the Constitution regarding the individual rights of American citizens, where does that leave us today? Unfortunately, the question presents a serious dilemma. Maybe we need to ask who is the biggest threat to the American people, global terrorists or our own government? In my humble opinion, the answer to that question is becoming more visible every day. The evidence seems to indicate the primary threat, the one that presents the most danger to all of us rather than just an unfortunate few who are in the wrong place at the wrong time, is our own government.
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