Does anyone who still supports Barack Obama ever read the real news? Anyone who still believes that Obama has not been an unmitigated disaster as president is either seriously out of touch with reality or unable to handle the truth. There can only be two conclusions to draw from the evidence gained from his five years in office. He is either a clueless incompetent buffoon in way over his head, or a dedicated Marxist ideologue actively working to turn America into a communist dictatorship. Either way America is rapidly losing altitude and headed for disaster.
It is undeniable that Obama's disastrous foreign policy is causing us to lose credibility everywhere in the world. Islamic tyrants ignore and laugh at Obama's threats while they continue to massacre their own people. The Russians are gaining influence at our expense in Eastern Europe and throughout the Middle East. China is gaining influence at our expense in Asia and Africa. Marxist autocrats are dominating Latin America. Even the few allies that remain know they can no longer trust us.
Domestically, our economy has limped along for five years at less than half its average growth rate, and nearly a quarter of the typical rate recovering from a recession. Jobs remain scarce and many people have quit looking for them. Our exploding national debt is piling oppressive burdens on future generations and has rendered America insolvent. Our educational system is turning out idiots no matter how much money is thrown at it. Our society is now as polarized as it was just before the Civil War more than 150 years ago. And perhaps most frightening, our national security forces are being emasculated. We are becoming the 90 pound weakling the bully's of the world will look forward to beating up on.
So which one is he - the inexperienced, incompetent pretender or the devious, dedicated Marxist.
The indicators pointing to Obama's being an inept snake oil salesman arise from the evidence that his idea of being president is nothing more than using teleprompters to give grandiose speeches promising free everything to friendly audiences and then going off to play some golf. He isn't really interested in the details of the job. He is only interested in the power. We have a president who is clearly a narcissistic sociopath who believes he can do no wrong. He lives in a fantasy world where all his initiatives are enlightened triumphs and any problems can be blamed on someone else. Unfortunately, under this supposition, his excess of arrogance and impudence combined with lack of experience, competence and understanding of how the world works has America in a nose-dive that may be unrecoverable.
For example, Obama's latest lunatic action is to declare a campaign to substantially increase the federal minimum wage. Obviously he and the rest of the Democratic Party are economic illiterates. Can they not understand that any business that pays minimum wage has only two choices if they are required to pay a higher one? They will either have to raise prices to cover the higher costs, meaning sales and revenues will decline as some customers refuse to buy the product at the higher price, or they have to lay off workers to keep from having to raise prices, increasing unemployment and creating more dependency on government. Neither is a favorable result. Why is that so hard for liberals to understand.
Then again, maybe Obama and the progressives understand all too well since their goal is to create more dependency on government in order to get the votes of the folks who like the government freebies paid for by someone else. Creating class warfare is the best way to incite a revolution. The best way to ignite class warfare is to create a common enemy by convincing the people that the bad guys are taking advantage of them by not playing fair. After all, the scam he and the progressives depend on to win elections is to claim they are political moderates while Republicans are obstructionist extremists taking advantage of society.
The facts of course prove otherwise, if anyone cares to notice. Obama and his politburo are the most extreme left wing ideologues to ever gain power in America, and it can be argued they are trying to turn us into a totalitarian Marxist state controlled by them. The Obama administration routinely ignores the law, disregarding our individual liberty and freedom of choice in the process. It is dictating our required personal behavior and confiscating our income to spend as it sees fit. It is using its control of the Senate, federal agencies and captive major media networks to stifle and eliminate any opposition to its ideological agenda.
Perhaps Barack Obama is America's first anti-American president. If that is the case, then we are in deep shit. The well of taxpayer dollars will soon run dry, chaos will ensue, and there will be a lot of unhappy Americans with guns. That is not a future anyone wants for us or our children. If American voters cannot figure out this political grab for absolute power, Barack Obama may become our last president and our first supreme dictator.
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