In my personal opinion, Congressman Paul Ryan is one of the few members of Congress who has any credibility and integrity. Yesterday on one of the Sunday morning programs he said the main obstacle to passing legislation is that Republicans simply do not trust Barack Obama to implement the laws once passed. The direct quote is, "We have an increasingly lawless president who is actually doing the job of Congress, writing new policies and new laws without going through Congress. Presidents don't write laws, Congress does. And when he does things like he did in health care, delaying mandates that the law said were supposed to occur, that's not his job. Here's the issue that all Republicans agree on: We don't trust the President to enforce the law."
Those comments are not political rhetoric. Barack Obama has earned that distrust. On January 27 through an Executive Action he raised the minimum wage paid on federal contracts. He did not consult Congress or request enabling legislation. Prior to that he had already unilaterally instructed the Justice Department to stop enforcing immigration laws, federal welfare laws, drug laws, and the federal Defense of Marriage Act. He routinely violates the Constitution by suspending, delaying, and waiving laws he is charged to enforce.
Nothing has been more outrageous than the changes he repeatedly tells his agencies to make to the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), which he ramrodded through Congress without a single Republican vote. One year waivers from compliance with ObamaCare to businesses with 50 or more employees; over-riding the decisions of states to not establish insurance exchanges; granting a special exemption to members of Congress and their staffs even though the law required them to be covered under ObamaCare; telling private insurance companies to disobey the law when he found out it required them to cancel millions of policies in force.
Barack Obama's disdain of the law is apparent to everyone who is paying attention and not drinking his Kool-Aid. His supporters claim all presidents have issued Executive Orders. Almost true. All but one have. But Executive Orders have always been used to implement law, not create or change laws - until now. If a president of any country regularly ignores the law to do anything he damn well pleases, soon everyone else will too. Then there is no real law, and those in power at any level of society can act arbitrarily to commit any crimes and punish any opponent they want and get away with it. Americans fought a bloody revolution to rid themselves of such tyranny. One man with a forked tongue sitting in the Oval Office and his deputized agents are working hard to reinstitute that tyranny on the American people.
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