Barack Obama has built his presidency on racial warfare (blacks and browns against whites), class warfare (non-taxpayers against taxpayers), and gender warfare (women and LGBT's versus men). Of course that is a generalization. There are crossovers among the groups. But looking at the statistics of party preference profiles it could easily be argued that Obama's war is against white married men over the age of 30 who have jobs or are retired. In other words, the folks who were primarily responsible for building the world's dominant economic engine of prosperity and the defenders of freedom of the last hundred years.
This year the Democrats major theme for the fall elections is the demand for equal pay for women. No one disagrees with that premise if all things are equal. But it is interesting they have chosen this theme since income discrimination for reasons of race or gender has been illegal in America since the Equal Pay Act of 1963. If the argument has any basis in fact then why don't they go after the violators of the law rather than propagandize the issue? Could it be because this is another bogus issue the Democrats are promoting to buy votes from the freeloaders, the uneducated and the clueless?
The primary fallacy of their argument is that they compare apples to oranges. Equal pay can only realistically be measured if two people are doing exactly the same job, have been doing it for the same length of time, putting in the same number of hours, and achieving equal results. The surveys don't come even close to measuring that.
The useless and irrelevant surveys conclude that on average women are paid 79% of what men make. But the fact is that historically women have worked fewer hours than men and have taken more time off from their careers. Furthermore, women have traditionally worked in lower paying occupations. All of that is certainly rapidly changing, but won't show up in the statistics overnight. However, it won't take long. 57% of college students today are female, and women under the age of 30 in metropolitan areas already make more money than men. The revolution is well underway. That is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. It is just recognition of reality.
Women are now CEO's of such Fortune 500 companies as IBM, Hewlett Packard, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, PepsiCo, DuPont, Campbell Soup, Xerox, Yahoo and more. They are also becoming more involved in politics as the number of women elected to office has grown substantially at the state and local levels as well as nationally. Anyone actually involved in private enterprise already knows that more and more women are taking the top jobs and earning the big bucks. Of course no one in the Obama regime may be aware of that since none of them spent any time in the private sector. If they are aware, then the Democrats are again attempting to lie their way into office by focusing on issues that no longer exist. If that's the case, some things never change.
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