Democracy has a fatal flaw which we are witnessing today. Over time in a prosperous democracy a growing segment of the voting public becomes complacent about its political leaders, uninterested in the political process and uninformed regarding the issues, making them vulnerable to the lies and false promises of political candidates. Another expanding segment becomes dependent on government to the point where they only vote for those who promise income redistribution through public support. Eventually those segments become large enough to determine the outcome of elections. That results in the turds floating to the top of the government toilet bowl. The turds are interested in the perks of power, not the job of representing and serving the people who sent them there.
Top government officials, both elected and appointed, tend to be corrupt incompetent political prostitutes. All they really care about is keeping their lucrative jobs, allowing themselves to be purchased by the conglomeration of special interests to do their bidding. They go along to get along with their party's leadership and appointed department heads in order to advance their own personal interests. The hell with the American people and traditional principles and values. Government has become a massive black hole, a singularity whose gravity eventually consumes all of the country's human and material resources.
The more abundant turds on the left side of the toilet bowl have also allowed themselves to be manipulated by a charismatic ideological snake oil salesman whose objective is to undermine traditional principles and values and obtain domination. They are enabling Barack Obama to become the most consequential president in American history. He is doing what he said he would, changing the fundamental nature of the country. Rational dialogue has evolved into demonization and intolerance. Obama is turning America away from a liberal (in the traditional definition) democracy dedicated to freedom and justice and imposing a socialist dystopia, which always translates into a totalitarian police state of subjugation and oppression.
We are increasingly being told what we can say, what we can think, where we can go, who we can associate with, what we can buy, and who we can worship (apparently either Obama or Allah). Our children are being indoctrinated in the Progressive agenda in our educational system, reinforced by the incessant leftist propaganda from the popular media. Opposing opinions and free speech are not allowed. There is no rational dialogue, only demonization and intolerance of non-conformists. It is time to flush the toilet.
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