Monday, May 05, 2014

The War On Whites

In America today the liberal dominated government is waging a war on white people.  A person who is not white can say anything they want about white people, while any white person who says or does anything similar about a non-white  is vilified, ostracized and destroyed.   Free speech no longer exists for white people.  We now live in a hypocritical, double standard country created by pandering politicians and their media whores.

One can find almost any statistic on the internet, but one I cannot find is the percentage of individual income taxes in America paid by white people.  I wonder why that number is not available.  Whatever it is, I would bet it is significantly higher than white folks percentage of the population (69%).  One thing that is known is the percentage of white people who voted for Obama in 2012, which was 39%.  That means white people are paying for leadership they did not choose - taxation without representation.  Whites pay a disproportionate share of taxes while watching their culture being taken away, their rights ignored, the fruits of their labor confiscated and redistributed, quotas limiting their opportunities, and their children's future being ruined.

Apparently this is happening because a majority of voters in America (whether alive, dead, four-legged, magically duplicated or ineligible) have been convinced that whites are evil and owe them something.  The fact is, no one in America today owes anything to anyone for things that happened long before any of us were born - except perhaps Native Americans, who white Americans truly committed horrific crimes against and continue to pretend they don't exist.  It is time to rethink who is being victimized by the political party in power.

Personally, I don't believe it is the ethnic minorities themselves that created this environment.  It has been created over the years by white liberals.  White liberals have been building the welfare state for fifty years, yet the black and brown minorities still suffer from the same unemployment and poverty.  One has to ask, since the Democrats have been at it so long, why has there been no progress?  Could it be because white liberals constantly tell minorities that white people are oppressing them, that they can't succeed on their own, and that they can't do it without government assistance.  That is not only a self-defeating message, it is real racism.

It is true that minorities have been victimized.  They have been victimized by white liberals false promises, legislated policies encouraging dependency, lies about the character and motives of political opponents, and the absurd claim that government can create more jobs and economic growth than private enterprise and free markets can.  The incessant preaching by white liberals indoctrinating minorities with the idea they have been victimized by white America is for no reason other than to buy votes.  The white liberals bullshit is designed to win political office in order to dominate the distribution of propaganda, legislate more dependency creating policies, and increase their own power and wealth.  It is not designed to do anything meaningful for the minorities they claim to care about.

The old minority rally cry "The Man is keeping us down" is true.  Socioeconomic disparities obviously continue to exist.  But 'The Man' is not who they think it is.  The Man is liberal white people of both genders.  White liberals have destroyed the inner cities, destroyed the American primary and secondary educational system, destroyed job opportunities, and destroyed traditional American principles and values.  Look at Detroit.  Look at the real Chicago, not the glittering facade.  Look at any big urban area that has been controlled by Democrats for the last fifty years.  It is not a pretty sight.

Yes, Barack Obama is president.  He says he is black, even though he was raised by a white mother and white grandparents.  But that is irrelevant.  What is relevant is who are his policies really benefitting?  The rich white liberals are getting richer and more powerful while the middle class is struggling and the underclass is still unemployed and stuck in the crime and poverty of the inner cities.  That is the way the white liberals like it because it gives them the opportunity to perpetually sell hope that is never realized into infinity.

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