Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What The Hell Is Going On?

Barack Obama campaigned on Hope and Change.  After nearly six years in office, the Hope has turned into ethnic and class conflict and the Change has been disastrous.  So, the blame for the failures must be due to victimization and injustice, and Ferguson, Missouri seems to have provided the perfect opportunity to exploit that bullshit.

There certainly is a lot of injustice going on in this country today, but it is not aimed only at black America.  Injustice is bailing out and rewarding rich bankers and politicians who caused the financial and economic collapse while punishing the middle and lower classes with economic policies that destroy jobs.  Injustice (and corruption) is awarding government contracts to wealthy political benefactors for government boondoggles.  Injustice is affirmative action using quota's to deny qualified people an opportunity to pursue their dreams.  Injustice is using government agencies to target, harass and obstruct people and organizations who oppose the political party in power.  And yes, injustice is police hassling people for being young or black.  It happens.

But what happened in Ferguson was not injustice.  It was an all too typical event of a young black thug letting his attitude get him killed.  All the evidence indicates Michael Brown was not a peaceful, law abiding citizen in this incident, yet Democrats and the media are portraying him as an innocent angel and calling for a lynch mob for the white policeman doing his job.  Why is it being sensationalized as a racist event?  Even more incomprehensible, what the hell is going on in America?

In the last 5 years nearly 700 law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty, many of them black.  Do Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton show up for those funerals?  Does the media generate dozens of stories a day for weeks on end for those incidents?  Are their funerals broadcast to the country on live television?  Media pundits and black activists claim the fact that Michael Brown was shot six times is evidence of excessive force.  Do any of these people know how many shots it may take to stop a 300 pound man intent on harming a person?  Soldiers will tell you it often takes multiple bullets to bring down an average sized terrorist.

Although it is almost unthinkable, it is not that outrageously paranoid to observe what the Obama government and its' captive media are doing in America today and conclude that a leftist conspiracy is underway to turn America from a liberal democracy into an autocratic dictatorship, with white people being blamed as the villains.  Barack Obama said his goal was to fundamentally transform America.  He is certainly doing his best to accomplish that.  I don't remember him saying why it needed to be transformed and what he was transforming it to, but apparently we are finding out.

It is not unreasonable to argue that Barack Obama is intentionally presiding over the destruction of the United States of America.  Why else would he proclaim the country needed to be fundamentally changed?  He has deeply divided the country into dangerous economic and social polarization.  He is encouraging the deterioration of moral and ethical values.  He is openly defying our Constitution.  He is depriving Americans of their individual rights.  Is that what Americans want?  Do we really want to turn the US into an African or Middle Eastern country?

What conclusion can we draw from what is going on in Ferguson, Missouri?  Maybe it is that every white person in America better have a gun and know how to use it.  God, I hope not.  But it is becoming a rational question to ask if a war on white people has been declared by the Democratic Party and the majority of major media networks.  What else logically explains the media coverage of the death of Michael Brown?  This can't really be happening in America, can it?

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