Friday, December 12, 2014

The Law of the Jungle

Just what point are the people protesting the results of investigations where grand juries do not indict police officers trying to prove?  That they know more about the evidence in these cases than the grand juries do; that police should not do their jobs of arresting criminals; that law enforcement officers should ignore crime in high crime neighborhoods; that police shouldn't use force in arresting people who resist arrest; that police departments should be disbanded; that chaos and anarchy is preferable to law and order.  Are they trying to promote a full blown race war?  Seriously, what the hell is their point?

The result of these protests, particularly if they are successful in bringing unwarranted prosecution of law enforcement officers, will be that no one in their right mind will want to be a police officer.  Why would anyone want a job where you can easily end up either doomed or dead?  Police officers today trying to do their jobs are damned if they do and damned if they don't.  At the very least they will be uncertain about performing their duty because doing so may result in exposing themselves to undeserved prosecution or even rabid lynch mobs.

The rational response to the insanity of the protests is obvious.  Guns.  Lots and lots of guns.  People will have to provide for their own self-protection.  If anyone wants to protect themselves and their family in America they had better buy more guns and lots of ammunition.  Is that what the protestors want - mob rule; survival of the most heavily armed; the law of the jungle?  Wouldn't it be better for people to tell their children, relatives and friends to not resist arrest by assaulting police officers?  If they are innocent of any wrongdoing, they will live to be exonerated.

No one denies that there are incidents where law enforcement officers are belligerent and use excessive force.  White people experience those situations too.  The cause is not racism.  Being a law enforcement officer is a tough, hazardous job.  They must sometimes make life and death decisions in split seconds.  Often they make the wrong one.  150 policemen are killed in the line of duty on average in America every year.  The reason incidents that end in death occur most frequently in black neighborhoods is because that is where the violent crime is.  That is just a fact, not a condemnation. 

If people feel they must register their objections to unwarranted treatment from the police, at the very least they should select examples that prove the point, not ones where police action was clearly justified.  Maybe they should look at the facts of the case before marching in the streets and burning down neighborhoods.  How many protestors would be willing to put there lives on the line every day to provide security in dangerous neighborhoods?  If they're not, then they should shut the hell up.  If they can't control themselves from being stupid, then they should move to a country where real police brutality, political oppression and injustice is the norm, and see what happens when they protest there.

Yes, of course bias, prejudice and racism exists in America.  They exist everywhere else in the world as well.  They always have and always will.  It is human nature for people to take precautions around those who are different than they are.  That applies whether the difference is religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual preference, political inclination, and color of skin.  But for all practical purposes, those differences today are irrelevant.  The United States has become more united regarding race, religion and gender than could have been imagined a half century ago.

Other than the views of professional pundits and some Hollywood celebrities, the only people whose biases one can ever really know are those of their friends and workplace associates.  Out of the dozens of people I know well enough to be aware of their opinions, only one could be considered a racist.  And you know what, he is entitled to his opinion whether anyone else likes it or not.  The only thing I have found that the vast majority of my acquaintances are biased against are hard core, intolerant liberals - and most of them are white.  We detest their unmerited self-proclaimed moral and intellectual superiority; their obscene arrogance in presuming to tell Americans what is wrong with us; their imperious imposition of illogical and unsound policies that always fail; and their condescending audacity in defining what is politically correct behavior.  Politics is what polarizes America, not race.

Never-the-less, Barack Obama, many members of Congress, and legions of frenzied social commentators suggest we need a discussion on race in America.  Fine.  Let's have one.  But no matter what is said it is unlikely anyone will change anyone else's mind.  In fact, it is like to only aggravate the situation as the professional agitators are always the loudest voices heard to spew the lies and misinformation that provoke and inflame the clueless crowds that either are not exposed to the facts or simply do not want to hear the truth.

Does anyone really think these protests are doing anything but polarizing the country even more than it already is?  The basic problem is that the politically correct liberal interest groups that control the dissemination of information in America continually promote the idea that racism permeates American society.  Half a century of lies and misinformation from these people have done nothing for society except encourage a certain segment of the African-American minority to believe it is OK to murder people of their own race, steal from their neighbors, live in drug induced delusion, and defy law enforcement authorities.  Unfortunately, the only people they hurt are the law abiding members of their own communities, who need protection from these thugs more than anyone else.  This is what liberal policies have wrought.  Fifty years of misguided policies creating dysfunctional families and dependency have not helped African-American communities, they have crippled them.

Oh, and the public displays of support by professional athletes for crime committing 'brothers' who get themselves killed by resisting arrest is another example that proves one can get rich even though they are brain dead.  Any athlete or celebrity who publicly supports the criminals against the public servants who are trying to protect African-American neighborhoods is clearly part of the problem, not part of the solution.  Someone should tell them they are embarrassing themselves, their families, and the people who overpay them.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I love your comments & thoughts on this subject matter. Just wish this message could be heard and I mean REALLY HEARD by 317 million Americans, we'd all live in a better place as a result.