Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Apparently They Are Not Kidding

The intellectual exhaustion of the Democratic Party is evident by the fact they apparently cannot find a person other than the corrupt, self-promoting, integrity-lacking crook Hillary Clinton as their presidential candidate.  In fact, it appears they aren't even looking.  One of the greatest mysteries of all time is why anyone would ever even think of voting for her.  She has no achievements other than getting elected or appointed to political office due to ties to her husband of convenience, nor any record of accomplishing anything of benefit to the country while occupying those offices.  The woman is all promotion and no substance.  She is a human scandal generating machine.  The last thing America needs is back to back pompous, incompetent, narcissists as president.

Her entire campaign is based on spewing the same old liberal cliches demeaning opponents and making utopian promises that never have been and cannot be achieved through the policies Democrats advocate.  Oh, and also the fact that she is a woman.  Our current president won because he is black.  Since when did either of those qualities become important factors in deciding our nation's leader?  There are plenty of African-Americans and/or females in this country who would make great presidents.  Neither of these two is even close.  When will the people who vote for them ever get tired of being conned?

Has the liberal chain of command ever considered what kind of damage their rhetoric is doing to the country?  They continually accuse everyone who does not agree with them of being heartless, greedy, racist, bigoted, intolerant, prejudiced, sexist, xenophobic, evil, violent, subhuman haters interested only in making children go hungry, denying racial groups access to personal development, throwing the elderly under the bus, using law enforcement to harass minorities, ensuring the poor have no opportunities to improve themselves, and imposing extreme right wing religious rules on everyone.

But the vast majority of people who do not agree with liberals are not and do not want to impose any of those things.  They are as tolerant of alternative lifestyles, as interested in improving everyone's standard of living, as concerned about personal and national security, and as dedicated to liberty and justice as anyone.  Furthermore, most of us are completely colorblind when it comes to intellect, capabilities, and personal relationships.

The real issues are how to achieve economic and social progress as well as maintain our national and personal security.  That is where the big differences between liberals and conservatives exist, and it would be a good idea to focus on creating intelligent and rational debate about them rather than making absurd, defamatory accusations.  No one is going to change their mind because of insults and false accusations made against them.  All that does is piss them off.  If liberals keep doing nothing but demeaning the intelligence, character, and motives of those who disagree with them on some issues, then sooner or later the vitriol will erupt into a violent conflict.  Do they really want a civil war?

I love my country and what it stands for.  I can't say the same for my country's government, its political leaders, or the uninformed people who continue to put lying, self-centered charlatans in public office.  If the Dems want to run a female celebrity they need to find one that has actually accomplished something on her own.  Hillary Clinton has not.


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