Monday, September 14, 2015

Americans Need to Know

The Separation of Powers is defined quite explicitly in the Constitution.  Unfortunately, the definition of an Executive Order is not.  The basic understanding is that Executive Orders are to facilitate the implementation of laws passed by Congress rather than make laws as Obama does.  But they have been issued for just about anything and everything ever since George Washington.  Since there is apparently a fine line between making laws or implementing laws, it is time for Congress to legislate what the meaning of an Executive Order is and for the Supreme Court to affirm it.

The American people deserve to know if presidents are violating the Constitution when they issue an Executive Order.  Has Obama crossed the line?  Have other presidents crossed it?  Are government agencies under the supervision of the president making laws or implementing them under Obama?  Are we going to adhere to the letter of the law or allow some judge to decide what he believes was Congressional intent?  Should the president be unilaterally allowed to act against the wishes of the majority of the American people without approval from Congress, as Obama has done with health care and the Iranian nuclear agreement, supposedly the two cornerstone achievements of his reign?

Until we get these questions answered, the United States will remain a dangerously polarized country as the president assumes autocratic dictatorial powers and does anything he damn well pleases.  Executive Orders as they are being used now make Congress absolutely useless.  It could be disbanded and we could save a lot of money.  In the last 7 years the United States has been transformed from a constitutional democratic federal republic to a totalitarian (because of political correctness) socialist oligarchy.  Is that what the American people really want?  The sad thing is that apparently about half of us do.  Either that or they are too uninterested, uninformed, or stupid to see what is happening. 

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