Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Stop the Insanity

Recommendations for the Voting Process in the US

Stop the lies!  Stop the deceit!  Stop the corruption!  Stop the tyranny of politically correct doctrine!  A massive government bureaucracy controlled by the executive branch now dominates and dictates our lives.  Today there is no separation of powers in our government.  Congress and the Supreme Court are irrelevant.  That must change.  

America's economy, social fabric, and national security are in free-fall, and everyone knows it.  Establishment politicians are the cause.  Vote them out.  There are more than 320 million people in the United States.  There is no reason to send the same 537 people to Washington, D.C. every election.

Voter Eligibility -

Democracy only works when the people voting for their representatives in government possess a basic education, an understanding of our system of government, and the ramifications of the important issues those elected officials will be debating.  People who have no idea who or what they are voting for other than what a favorite television talking head or popular celebrity tells them should not be voting.  People who do not take the time to educate themselves on the issues and each candidate's position are doing the country a great disservice if they step into the voting booth.  Voters should focus on the substance of a candidate's competence, integrity, ethical character, and beneficial accomplishments, not personal popularity, skill reading from a teleprompter, race, gender, or political party.

1.  Minimum of a high school degree or the equivalent.

2.  Photo Voter Identification Card in order to protect the integrity of the voting process.

3.  US Citizenship for a minimum of five years and maintenance of domestic residency during that time in order to ensure the voter has a vested interest in the policies of our government.

4.  Any person employed by or who receives more than 1/3 of their income from a government office or agency should not be allowed to vote.  Democracy cannot survive when the beneficiaries of government policies and spending, including its employees, control the governing process.  (It would be interesting to learn how many members of the federal bureaucracy vote for Democrats.  I would bet money it is the vast majority of them.) 

Candidate qualifications and requirements for anyone to be considered for elected federal office, i.e., president, vice-president, and Congress -

1.  No one with personal wealth more than $10 million can hold office.  An audited financial statement is required.  The reasoning is that they cannot possibly represent the vast majority of Americans since they have no clue what the vast majority of Americans lives are like.  Anyone with a net worth over $5 million who made their money in financial services, the legal profession, or as a government lobbyist should be excluded from ever holding public office.  There would be a higher probability than average they made that money either illegally or unethically.

2.  Every candidate for president should have at least ten years of experience in the private sector in a job unrelated to politics. 

3. Campaigns for office must be entirely funded with equally distributed public funds with no private contributions allowed.

4. No elected official can accept any money or other type of gratuity from anyone.

5. Lobbyists can have no personal contact with any elected official or their staffs.  All information provided to the officials and their staffs must be in written and/or graphic form.

6. Candidates must provide resumes of their educational and work history, plus all other community and political activities they engaged in during their adult lives.  Anyone with a felony is disqualified.  Background checks confirming the information by an equally balanced bi-partisan investigative committee is required.  Candidates must also produce a written summary of their positions on all issues they might encounter in office accompanied by a record of their votes on all legislation while previously in office. 

7. All media sources can report nothing regarding the candidate other than the information provided in #6, unless they discover a previously undisclosed conviction for any misdeed that can be indisputably verified.  No editorial opinions or commentary will be allowed.  There is way too much biased disinformation, misinformation, distortions, false information (i.e., lies), and misleading propaganda generated by all information sources.

8. Most important, there must be term limits for all elected to public office - one term of 6 years for president; one term of 6 years for vice-president; one term of 8 years for the Senate; one term of 4 years for the House of Representatives.  That way the people elected won't spend every day in office campaigning for the next election.  In addition, Justices of the Supreme Court will serve only one term of 20 years.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

The common sense behind your 4 suggested voter eligibility requirements is so fundamental it's hard to believe they aren't already in place. No argument against any of the four can really hold water. And there is no doubt we DESPERATELY need term limits on ALL elected officials.