Is anyone else sick and tired of the Trayvon shit? It doesn't seem to be going away. The politically correct crowd, and black people, want Zimmerman hung by the gonads for profiling young Trayvon, whether he actually did or not. Is profiling wrong? Yes it is. It is wrong for every black person to see a white person and assume he was born rich. It is wrong for every black person to see a white person and assume he never had to work hard for anything and had everything given to him because he is white. It is wrong for every black person to see a white person and assume that he is a racist. It is wrong for every black person to see a white person and assume that he owes black people something.
Of course those statements are outrageous misrepresentations. Not every black person assumes those things. But apparently a high percentage of them do from what we see and hear in the news media. Maybe they should look at the statistics. For every George Zimmerman killing a Trayvon Martin incident there are two black people killing white people incidents and 10 blacks killing blacks incidents in America. Black folks and the politically correct media need to get a grip and deal with the big picture, not the rare occurrences. It is almost as if the media is trying to ignite a race war.
America goes apeshit over one incident out of the thousands that happen every year because the liberal self-appointed know-it-alls in this country decide to make it a big deal. Does anyone even remember that Trayvon was beating the shit out of Zimmerman. Zimmerman may have been following him, but Trayvon was the one who physically assaulted Zimmerman.
Police and prospective employers treat white people unfairly too. A large number of white folks struggle to get a job, or get fired for dubious reasons. We get nervous every time we see a cop following us. Most people I know, including me, have been stopped by a policeman for no good reason. Some have even been arrested without good cause. Life for the majority of white people is no days of wine and roses either. Shit happens to all of us - black, white, yellow, brown, green or purple.
The fact is that nearly 40% of people in prison in America are black even though blacks comprise only 13% of the population. Black people and the PC liberals claim that is evidence of racial profiling. Actually it is evidence that blacks disproportionately commit more crimes. Maybe if they would stop killing each other, stealing shit, pimping and selling drugs they wouldn't end up in jail. Is it really that hard to figure out that if you do that shit you are going to be arrested and put away. If they would stay in school instead of becoming gangbangers then maybe some positive outcomes would result. And then maybe cops would stop hassling them.
Perhaps the saddest aspect of the whole Trayvon affair is that the Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharpton's and Jeremiah Wright's have now re-emerged from irrelevance after nearly disappearing from the national scene. Instead of the wisdom of Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and Shelby Steele, Americans are now subjected again to the bullshit spun by the agitators and propagandists of racial discord. And of course our Polarizer in Chief in the Oval Office had to throw his ten gallon can of gasoline on the reignited fire.
Just what point is it that the liberal left is trying to make? That white males are evil, heartless, racist killers? Look at the statistics again and see that is not supported by the facts. That there is no justice for black people? Review the facts of the case and see that the six females on the jury ruled according to the law. Hopefully we still are a country where the law does matter regardless of how often our president and his administration ignore them. And by the way, this president is as white as George Zimmerman. They both have one white parent. Apparently ethnicity today is either a personal choice or whatever the PC Gestapo says it is.
This country is over-run by lunatics, most of them white liberals. Beam me up, Scottie! There is no intelligent life on this planet.
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