Has anyone noticed the similarity between the Muslim Brotherhood and Obama's Progressives? In both organizations no dissent is tolerated within their ranks, and their goal is to eliminate the opposition and subjugate the people under their authoritarian philosophies and doctrines. They do not care what the existing laws are, and they unilaterally ignore, change or over-ride the ones that prevent them from implementing their agenda. They impose their policies and rules on the people whether the people want them or not.
The so-called Progressives under Barack Obama are eliminating liberty and justice in America, leading us into regimentation and involuntary servitude to the "enlightened" arrogant egomaniacs in charge. At the same time they are dismantling our capitalist economic system of private enterprise and free markets. In the process they are confiscating income from the productive middle class Americans and spending it to buy the votes of those dependent on government. They are not redistributing the wealth of the top one percent who control most of the country's assets, because those are the folks who provide the Progressives financial support. If they were really interested in hitting the rich the Progressives would demand to tax wealth, not income.
In America today the rich folks at the top are seeing their wealth skyrocket while the average income for ordinary Americans continues to drop. According to the Census Bureau, median household income was $55,198 in January 2009 and $52,100 as of June 2013, 5.6% below the month Obama took office. But the banking and fund manager billionaires of Wall Street, the entertainment moguls of Hollywood, and the overpaid leftist college professors, Washington lobbyists, labor union bosses and policy institute fellows are doing just fine in Obama's America. (By the way, policy institutes are also known as think tanks, but in reality they are holding tanks for out of office politicians while they await their return to government).
The Progressives are eliminating open competition in the economic marketplace by instituting rules and regulations that make it difficult for small and even medium size businesses to operate and compete with the big corporations controlled by Obama's financial supporters. Obama claims to be the new champion of the middle class, when in fact he is killing it - destroying small business and middle management jobs and raising taxes on the people who actually do all the work in America.
Do the Progressives really believe they can destroy the most powerful economic engine ever devised (capitalism) and continue to stimulate innovation, productivity and ever expanding living standards for all? Is income equality a desirable goal if that income no longer grows and eventually begins to contract? Do they think their idea of social justice will increase social stability and induce all of us to live happily ever after? Can they really be that out of touch with reality? The only thing that makes any sense at all is that these arrogant megalomaniacs think they are smarter than everyone else and are justified in imposing their personal agenda on unenlightened lesser beings.
What is it about capitalism, individual liberty and the rule of law that liberals cannot stand? Capitalism is not perfect and certainly has its flaws. It does produce income inequality and often lacks job security. But capitalism has proven that it generates higher standards of living and offers more life improving opportunities than any other economic system, including for those at the bottom of society. The United States of America is the indisputable example that capitalism produces more affluence and prosperity for the greatest number of people, certainly more than any of the socialist, autocratic, government controlled economic systems advocated by the eggheads in academia and the leftist wing-nuts that now dominate the Democratic Party.
Barack Obama and his authoritarian brigade of indoctrinated zombies claim they are all about social justice. They allege that capitalism is unjust and unfair, and declare that they are the ones anointed to dictate what must be done to create their idea of justice and fairness. They profess that it is their duty to redistribute income from those who have it to those who are less fortunate, because those who have it didn't earn it and those who don't were obviously oppressed or discriminated against by the wealthy. They contend that private enterprise doesn't generate prosperity, enlightened government under their direction does. They apparently believe people should be allowed only the rights and privileges that conform to their concept of a socialist utopia. Anyone who disagrees with them is considered to be either ignorant or evil. Therefore they believe they are justified in silencing the opposition, which the IRS scandal illustrates they are already trying to do. The question is do they really believe that crap, or is it just their marketing program to gain absolute power? Whatever the goal, the end result is totalitarianism, pure and simple.
Capitalism may be unfair, but certainly nowhere near as unfair as socialist societies where talent, creativity and productivity are suppressed and political cronyism is rewarded. And capitalism is not unjust. Those who work the hardest, make the best decisions and take advantage of the opportunities tend to generate the most value to society and the most income for themselves. Everyone benefits as even the poor are better off under capitalism than they are under any other economic system. In the vast majority of countries around the world those at the bottom do not have a solid roof over their heads, reliable vehicles for personal transportation, quality health care, big screen televisions, cellphones and access to the internet. In America they do.
So what is it that the America haters in academia, entertainment and politics are trying to accomplish? Are they indifferent about destroying capitalism, the engine of prosperity and progress, just to create their vision of social justice? Or are they budding autocrats seeking absolute power and control? Whether their goal is an altruistic ideological fantasy or a conspiracy to establish permanent dominance over the people, a successful outcome would create a new America. 99% of us will eventually be equal - equally suffering economic stagnation, declining standards of living, no opportunities for personal improvement, and dependence on the generosity and benevolence of the top one percent who are bringing this all upon us.
Could that happen in America? It is happening in America. After all, people need to understand just who the wealthy and powerful elite in this country really are. It is not the small business owners or the middle managers of American corporations. It is the Barack Obama's, Nancy Pelosi's, Bill and Hillary Clinton's and other entrenched politicians and the Hollywood moguls and Wall Street titans who fund them. It is astonishing that the so-called Progressives are able to continually convince a substantial portion of the American public that they are the defender of the rights of the poor against the evil establishment when they are the evil establishment.
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