Monday, October 28, 2013

The Pied Piper Of Politics

Barack Obama has turned lying into an art form.  The only time he is not lying is when he is not talking.  As far as anyone can tell, that is never.  Obama has so refined the practice of lying that in politics it has now become acceptable.  Even many of his supporters know he is lying but they don't care.  In fact, even when they know it is a lie they pretend to believe it anyway.

Obama draws lines in the sand and then says he didn't.  He said during his first campaign there would be no lobbyists in his administration, when of course there are dozens.  He said he would make government more open and transparent, when it is anything but.  He claimed Fast and Furious was begun under George Bush, when it didn't start until 2009.  He says no civilians are killed in Middle Eastern drone strikes, when human rights groups prove otherwise.  He lied about the NSA spying scandals, on both US citizens and our foreign allies, thereby violating our privacy and poisoning relations with our friends.  He lied about how few jobs would be created by the Keystone Pipeline.  He lied about Benghazi.  He lied about the IRS scandal.  What hasn't he lied about?  When has he ever told the truth?  To Barack Obama, winning is all about claiming false credit and diverting deserved blame.  He avoids accountability like the plague, which for him it would be.

His biggest lie of all is about ObamaCare.  He said if you like your current doctor and your current health plan you can keep them.  Thousands have already found out differently.  He claims ObamaCare will provide better health care at a lower cost for all.  It will do neither of those.  He said there is no widespread evidence that ObamaCare is hurting jobs, when more than 300 companies have already announced eliminating jobs and cutting hours due to ObamaCare.  Now he says he didn't know the launch of the program would be such a disaster.

Actually, none of that matters to Obama.  Providing affordable health care is not the program's objective.  ObamaCare is another welfare program designed to redistribute money from the working middle class and young people to minorities, labor unions and public employees.  That is because minorities, labor unions and government employees depend on bigger government, which he promises to deliver.  And it makes just about every health care issue effecting women free, thereby buying the female vote.  Younger generations, who are major financial victims of the legislation, also vote for him because they are either too indoctrinated in the liberal educational system or too inexperienced in dealing with political bullshit to know any better.

In  2012 only 39% of white people voted for Obama, while over 80% of minorities did - including 93% of African-Americans.  58% of union members voted for Obama, a number which includes most public employees.  55% of women voted for Obama, while only 45% of men did.  Interestingly, as people advanced in age the less likely they were to vote for Obama, while 60% of those under the age of 30 voted for him.  Obviously there is something to be said for maturity and experience.  Maybe the voting age should be raised to 30.  Oh, and by the way, 45% of those with income above $50,000 voted for Obama while 60% with income under $50,000 did.

It is a complete waste of time to debate Obama supporters.  They aren't listening.  All they contribute to the conversation is the Obamacratic Party line lying points.  It is hard to believe how far gone they are until you read a few of their uninformed, hate-filled responses to editorials and commentaries in newspapers and magazines.  Their vitriol is off the charts.  Their "facts" are fictitious.  They don't want to be confused by the real facts or deal with reality.  They are totally indoctrinated in the cult of Obama, and are as close-minded as madrassah trained terrorists.  They can't handle the truth.  They have their heads so far up Obama's ass they can't pull them out.  Bursting their bubble could be apocalyptic.  America will be lucky to survive three more years of this insanity.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

It is truly amazing how the American public has given BO a pass on his massive lying about Obamacare. My hope is by the time the next elections roll around in 2014 and again in 2016, a majority of the people will have awaken from their stupor to realize what they have done in voting the A-hole into office in the first place.