Many people voted for Barack Obama because he convinced them that he would improve our relations with foreign countries. After five years in office he has destroyed them. He has shriveled in a corner while Vladimir Putin has become the new world leader. He has lost all influence in the Middle East. He has let France - yes, France - become Western Civilization's most vocal defender of global human rights. Now he has trashed our relations with our friends in Europe due to the NSA's spying on European leaders. Yes, every country spies. But tapping the cell phones of your most faithful supporters in world affairs? That is inexcusable.
Here in America Obama has presided over the most sluggish economic recovery in modern times with persistent high unemployment and lack of job opportunities. He has created a massive new unaffordable and ineffective entitlement program that the majority of people don't want. His presidency is by far the most damaging and the worst failure in American history. Bet even after five years his supporters still refuse to acknowledge that any of this is Obama's fault.
I suppose one could argue it is not all his fault, that it really is the fault of a political party that put an inexperienced, naïve, polarizing, egocentric, left wing radical who lies every time he opens his mouth in front of a teleprompter or a microphone as their presidential candidate, one that once elected the party unanimously continues to support in Congress. This argument would indicate our situation is the fault of the Democratic Party, not one man.
Perhaps to an even greater extent it is the fault of more than 70% of the American people, the nearly 30% who voted for him and the 40% who didn't vote at all. They were either too gullible in believing an obvious snake oil selling con man or too disinterested in the future of our country to care about it. You folks know who you are. The country would be a lot better off if you would admit it, and we could end his and his party's destruction of our country now instead of 3 years down the road when the damage will be much worse.
Rejecting the Democrats does not mean one has to become a Republican. My personal preference is neither political party. I consider myself an independent. But I suppose the best label for me would be Anti-Obamacrat. The Obamacrats are not our parents Democrats. The sooner today's knee jerk Democrats realize that the better off we will be. The Obamacrats are killing us.
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