For years Congress has had the lowest approval rating of any public or private institution in America. That is because the same old farts in both political parties have been there doing nothing at best and serious damage at worst for a long time. It is undeniable that America cannot afford the entitlements we already have - social security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, food stamps, etc. - let alone the massive new one called ObamaCare. Yet we carry on with business as usual as many Americans refuse to acknowledge the situation by sending the same people back to Washington who are responsible for it. A year ago the Republicans finally send some young guys with principles and ideas to try and restore sanity to the process of governing and they are cut to shreds by the old guys and crucified in the media. Somehow the old guard and the media pundits blame the new guys as the ones causing problems, and the public buys it.
The president, the Congressional establishment and the pinko media were able to convince the people to ignore that fact that the revolt of the rookies was caused by a massive new entitlement that nearly everyone knows has no chance of achieving its stated objective of better health care for all at a lower cost. This is legislation that has a direct impact on 20% of the economy, that very few elected representatives had read, and was passed by the Democrats without a single Republican vote so members of Congress "could find out what was in it". It was also opposed by the majority of the American people. It is and will continue to be a monumental disaster. Beyond that, the people continue to ignore that the President of the United States has assumed dictatorial power to create laws and exempt his cronies from them. Clearly we are living in the Twilight Zone, getting closer and closer to the day when everything goes permanently dark.
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