Liberals cannot understand why conservatives dislike Barack Obama so much. They think he is doing a great job as president and have convinced themselves that conservatives are just pissed off because they are Neanderthal racists who can't conform to the liberal social changes underway under Obama's leadership. After all, are things in America really that bad? We still seem to be prosperous, healthy and productive. Look around. Most of us have big homes, multiple cars, big screen TV's, abundant leisure time. In fact, most of us have everything we need and some of us have more than we could ever want.
Actually, most of us who oppose Barack Obama and his policies could care less about the changing social issues. We are more concerned about the economic and national security ones. Unfortunately, below the surface things are not so attractive in America, changing for the worse slowly at first but now deteriorating rapidly. Substandard economic growth. Stubbornly high unemployment. Diminishing security. Perhaps it would be a good idea for those who support the Democratic Party's policies to move to the inner cities of America's major metropolitan areas so they can enjoy the consequences of those policies. We are heading toward class, racial and/or generational conflict, egged on by a president who ignores reality and believes he is the second coming who can do no wrong.
But everything he does regarding the economy and our national security is wrong. He has been in office for more than five years, yet good jobs are scarce while income inequality skyrockets. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class is going backward. Average income per household is still down 6% from 7 years ago. The country is bankrupt. The Educational system is graduating young adults who are unprepared to enter the work force and society. The family unit has been torn apart. Crimes of financial fraud and identity theft against individuals are increasing. Younger generations are being robbed to support the older generations. Interest rates are held artificially low by government regulatory manipulation, punishing savers. Meanwhile, domestic civil unrest is growing as societal polarization is reaching an extreme.
A healthy society is one where the living standards of the majority continue to progress, while today they are regressing. We are heading toward a collision with reality. But most of all, we are losing our ability to defend ourselves from our adversaries while they strengthen their offensive capabilities. We are ignoring what is going on in the world around us. Terrorism is on the march, ethnic genocide is rampant, and once powerful nations with expansionist intentions are rebuilding. Chaos and apocalyptic war will be inevitable if these trends continue. Maybe its time for Americans interested in preserving our heritage to tell Barack Obama and the Democrats that we are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore. Perhaps the productive Americans will refuse to pay taxes, stage mass protests or go on strike. What will the government do, throw us all in jail. They can't do that. They need the productive Americans to foot the bill.
Does anyone believe our widespread prosperity and global power was built through socialism, communism, or confiscation of income from those who earned it and redistributed to those who didn't? If they do, they are seriously uninformed. It was built through capitalist incentives, hard work, personal responsibility and limited government letting the productive produce. It was safeguarded by military strength that was second to none. Those days are gone. Our prosperity and security are not just slipping away under this president, he is presiding over their dismantlement.
The Vanguard of the Battle Against Disinformation and Politically Correct Brainwashing - Seeking Truth, Common Sense, Rationality, Humility and A Sense of Humor for Hard Core Liberals
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Slinging the Bullshit
Barack Obama was slinging the bullshit again at West Point yesterday. He was his usual self creating straw men at both extremes, then telling us his policies were not only the middle way but that they were working. Obviously he is the Brother from Another Planet. The problem is, talk is cheap. Talk means nothing when his actions do not reflect his stated policy. That is his standard operating procedure. Everyone in the world knows that except his die hard, brainwashed supporters. Strong words accompanied by weak or no action at all accomplishes nothing. America is losing influence and relevance throughout the world as millions of innocent people die or fall under the influence of oppressive regimes because Obama does absolutely nothing to back up his rhetoric. Inaction, empty speeches, appeasement, capitulation, unilateral withdrawal, and surrender are not acceptable responses to the mounting foreign aggression, religious wars and ethnic genocide intensifying throughout the world today.
Obama did mention that the United States of America is the globe's indispensable nation. There is no question about that. Unfortunately, under his leadership that translates into the obvious conclusion that he is doing his best to erase that distinction due to his apparent belief the rest of the world is dispensable. Then again, as is also his standard operating procedure, he can always blame his disastrous foreign policies on someone else such as his secretaries of state, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, with some justification when one ignores the fact he was the one who selected these incompetent morons for such an important job in the first place. After all, he will never admit that the 'reset' with Russia; the 'red line' in Syria; the disaster in Benghazi; the continued expansion of Iran's nuclear arsenal; the resurgence of al-Qaida, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations; the loss of influence with allies and increasing boldness of adversaries; et cetera; et cetera, have anything to do with him or his policies.
Obama did mention that the United States of America is the globe's indispensable nation. There is no question about that. Unfortunately, under his leadership that translates into the obvious conclusion that he is doing his best to erase that distinction due to his apparent belief the rest of the world is dispensable. Then again, as is also his standard operating procedure, he can always blame his disastrous foreign policies on someone else such as his secretaries of state, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, with some justification when one ignores the fact he was the one who selected these incompetent morons for such an important job in the first place. After all, he will never admit that the 'reset' with Russia; the 'red line' in Syria; the disaster in Benghazi; the continued expansion of Iran's nuclear arsenal; the resurgence of al-Qaida, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations; the loss of influence with allies and increasing boldness of adversaries; et cetera; et cetera, have anything to do with him or his policies.
Democracy's Fatal Flaw
Democracy has a fatal flaw which we are witnessing today. Over time in a prosperous democracy a growing segment of the voting public becomes complacent about its political leaders, uninterested in the political process and uninformed regarding the issues, making them vulnerable to the lies and false promises of political candidates. Another expanding segment becomes dependent on government to the point where they only vote for those who promise income redistribution through public support. Eventually those segments become large enough to determine the outcome of elections. That results in the turds floating to the top of the government toilet bowl. The turds are interested in the perks of power, not the job of representing and serving the people who sent them there.
Top government officials, both elected and appointed, tend to be corrupt incompetent political prostitutes. All they really care about is keeping their lucrative jobs, allowing themselves to be purchased by the conglomeration of special interests to do their bidding. They go along to get along with their party's leadership and appointed department heads in order to advance their own personal interests. The hell with the American people and traditional principles and values. Government has become a massive black hole, a singularity whose gravity eventually consumes all of the country's human and material resources.
The more abundant turds on the left side of the toilet bowl have also allowed themselves to be manipulated by a charismatic ideological snake oil salesman whose objective is to undermine traditional principles and values and obtain domination. They are enabling Barack Obama to become the most consequential president in American history. He is doing what he said he would, changing the fundamental nature of the country. Rational dialogue has evolved into demonization and intolerance. Obama is turning America away from a liberal (in the traditional definition) democracy dedicated to freedom and justice and imposing a socialist dystopia, which always translates into a totalitarian police state of subjugation and oppression.
We are increasingly being told what we can say, what we can think, where we can go, who we can associate with, what we can buy, and who we can worship (apparently either Obama or Allah). Our children are being indoctrinated in the Progressive agenda in our educational system, reinforced by the incessant leftist propaganda from the popular media. Opposing opinions and free speech are not allowed. There is no rational dialogue, only demonization and intolerance of non-conformists. It is time to flush the toilet.
Top government officials, both elected and appointed, tend to be corrupt incompetent political prostitutes. All they really care about is keeping their lucrative jobs, allowing themselves to be purchased by the conglomeration of special interests to do their bidding. They go along to get along with their party's leadership and appointed department heads in order to advance their own personal interests. The hell with the American people and traditional principles and values. Government has become a massive black hole, a singularity whose gravity eventually consumes all of the country's human and material resources.
The more abundant turds on the left side of the toilet bowl have also allowed themselves to be manipulated by a charismatic ideological snake oil salesman whose objective is to undermine traditional principles and values and obtain domination. They are enabling Barack Obama to become the most consequential president in American history. He is doing what he said he would, changing the fundamental nature of the country. Rational dialogue has evolved into demonization and intolerance. Obama is turning America away from a liberal (in the traditional definition) democracy dedicated to freedom and justice and imposing a socialist dystopia, which always translates into a totalitarian police state of subjugation and oppression.
We are increasingly being told what we can say, what we can think, where we can go, who we can associate with, what we can buy, and who we can worship (apparently either Obama or Allah). Our children are being indoctrinated in the Progressive agenda in our educational system, reinforced by the incessant leftist propaganda from the popular media. Opposing opinions and free speech are not allowed. There is no rational dialogue, only demonization and intolerance of non-conformists. It is time to flush the toilet.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Blowing In The Wind
America has changed for those of us over the age of forty. It hasn't changed for the better. Is the America we once knew gone forever? What did it mean as little as twenty years ago to be an American? I suppose everyone might have a different answer to that question, but here is mine.
An American was one who believed in -
1. Individual liberty, not conformity to politically correct agendas
2. Fair justice, not the best legal judgments money and/or political connections can buy
3. Free speech, not censorship
4. Equal opportunity, not necessarily equal outcomes
5. Personal responsibility, not blaming others and claiming victimization
6. Work ethic and diligence, not sloth and endless welfare
7. Self-reliance, not dependency
8. Compassion for those who need it, not enabling indolence
9. Expanding the economic pie, not fighting for the pieces
10. Free markets and private enterprise, not coercive and controlled pseudo-capitalism
11. Competitive markets, not government manipulation favoring special interests
12. Suffering consequences of personal actions, not being bailed out
13. Incentives to succeed, not incentives to drop out
14. Strong national security second to none, not appeasement and capitulation
15. Human rights for all, not ignoring genocide and oppression
16. Limited government, not all intrusive and controlling
17. Reasonable taxation, not confiscation and redistribution
18. Democracy, not government of the special interests
19. Balanced government budgets, not massive unpayable debts crippling future generations
20. Personal choice in seeking services, not required government mandates
21. Real education, not dumbed down and irrelevant feel good courses
22. Teaching our children math, science, history and literature, not the mindless politically correct trash of environmentalism, the evils of Western Civilization, or race and gender studies
23. Always helping those truly in need, not taking advantage of other's generosity
24. Moving forward, not demanding reparations for transgressions long ago
25. Overcoming obstacles, not quitting because of them
Most of us over the age of forty still believe those principles and values should prevail. But they don't. Anyone who thinks they do has not been paying attention. Our society has changed dramatically in the last twenty years. Today the ideas and beliefs following the 'not' in each of the 25 principles above dominate our society.
Capitalism is today considered by the leftists in power to be the economic philosophy of greed and inequity, even though it produced prosperity far beyond any other economic system in history. Capitalism in America generated a vast majority of people who live very well, for both the wealthy and the huge middle class, and it substantially improved living standards for all including those at the bottom. Any other economic system produces a tiny class of elite rich rulers and a huge underclass of subservient vassals. History is full of examples.
Over 150 years ago America fought a war to end slavery, yet today we are all becoming slaves to government dictators and their bureaucratic storm troopers as it grows ever bigger and controlling. The country we once knew is well on its way to becoming another memory just blowing in the wind.
An American was one who believed in -
1. Individual liberty, not conformity to politically correct agendas
2. Fair justice, not the best legal judgments money and/or political connections can buy
3. Free speech, not censorship
4. Equal opportunity, not necessarily equal outcomes
5. Personal responsibility, not blaming others and claiming victimization
6. Work ethic and diligence, not sloth and endless welfare
7. Self-reliance, not dependency
8. Compassion for those who need it, not enabling indolence
9. Expanding the economic pie, not fighting for the pieces
10. Free markets and private enterprise, not coercive and controlled pseudo-capitalism
11. Competitive markets, not government manipulation favoring special interests
12. Suffering consequences of personal actions, not being bailed out
13. Incentives to succeed, not incentives to drop out
14. Strong national security second to none, not appeasement and capitulation
15. Human rights for all, not ignoring genocide and oppression
16. Limited government, not all intrusive and controlling
17. Reasonable taxation, not confiscation and redistribution
18. Democracy, not government of the special interests
19. Balanced government budgets, not massive unpayable debts crippling future generations
20. Personal choice in seeking services, not required government mandates
21. Real education, not dumbed down and irrelevant feel good courses
22. Teaching our children math, science, history and literature, not the mindless politically correct trash of environmentalism, the evils of Western Civilization, or race and gender studies
23. Always helping those truly in need, not taking advantage of other's generosity
24. Moving forward, not demanding reparations for transgressions long ago
25. Overcoming obstacles, not quitting because of them
Most of us over the age of forty still believe those principles and values should prevail. But they don't. Anyone who thinks they do has not been paying attention. Our society has changed dramatically in the last twenty years. Today the ideas and beliefs following the 'not' in each of the 25 principles above dominate our society.
Capitalism is today considered by the leftists in power to be the economic philosophy of greed and inequity, even though it produced prosperity far beyond any other economic system in history. Capitalism in America generated a vast majority of people who live very well, for both the wealthy and the huge middle class, and it substantially improved living standards for all including those at the bottom. Any other economic system produces a tiny class of elite rich rulers and a huge underclass of subservient vassals. History is full of examples.
Over 150 years ago America fought a war to end slavery, yet today we are all becoming slaves to government dictators and their bureaucratic storm troopers as it grows ever bigger and controlling. The country we once knew is well on its way to becoming another memory just blowing in the wind.
Friday, May 09, 2014
Selling Snake Oil
Isn't it interesting that every time Barack Obama promotes something as a major policy issue, the print and broadcast media overwhelms us with stories on these same issues backing Obama's rhetoric? Is it a coincidence? If these were major issues demanding public attention, wouldn't a responsible media already have been featuring this information long before Obama makes them political campaign issues? Just asking.
In the last year Obama has decided to emphasize four issues that he believes will hammer Republicans and increase the chances of his storm troopers winning this fall's congressional elections. One is income inequality. Income inequality is a real problem, but the media most certainly will ignore the fact that it is increasing at a record rate under his administration due to his policies. Another issue he plans to exploit is his creation of a non-existent War on Women, citing irrelevant statistics to claim there is a substantial pay gap. This claim is made even though women under the age of 30 now earn more than men in metropolitan areas, three women are now graduating from college for every two men that do so, and the shrinking differential is explained by historical job choices and the number of hours worked. He has also ignited a new race war when the only ethnic group left that maintains a racial bias is African-Americans themselves. What else can you say about a group that votes 95% for someone of the same color.
Now Obama is returning to the old Environmentalist favorite of global warming, reconstituted as climate change since the apocalyptic predictions produced by the rabid Greenies have not come to pass over the last decade. Let's examine the points. Is earth experiencing climate change? Certainly, as it has been doing every day for the last 6 billion years. Are human beings contributing to climate change? Probably, just as every other living organism in abundant supply on the planet does, but nowhere near as much as the dynamics of the sun. Is climate change a bad thing? That depends on where one is located on the surface of the planet. In the lower, warmer latitudes it may be a negative. You may have made a mistake if you were wealthy enough to build a house on the beach. In the higher, cooler latitudes it could be beneficial due to more productive land use. Will climate change have a net harmful effect on human beings? Probably not. We will adapt as we always have. Will climate change destroy life on the planet? Not anytime in the foreseeable future.
Hurricanes, tornados, droughts and floods have been occurring on earth long before biblical times, in fact since the atmosphere on the planet first formed. They have always been exploited by devious people who declare them bad omens in order to achieve political or financial gain. The gullible and the superstitious always buy the snake oil from the Dr. Feelgood's. Obama is just the latest.
Life on earth is much more likely to be destroyed from a nuclear war that escalates out of control, or a collision with a random asteroid. Neither of the two more likely causes are being addressed in any rational or meaningful way by the Obama administration. Unilateral disarmament makes nuclear war more likely, not less, as does reduced spending on defense that causes us to lose our strategic and tactical superiority. Adversaries do not start wars they know they are going to lose, or invade other independent countries if they are worried about resistance and confrontation with stronger powers. Furthermore, defunding our ability to compete in space exploration and create new space technology leaves us defenseless against near earth objects that have the ability to cause catastrophic damage.
As usual, the agenda of the Obamacrats is not based on real tangible issues that government needs to address, such as economic expansion, job creation, national security and social harmony. The fact is that his policies have a detrimental impact on each of those issues. Obama's agenda is for the political purpose of creating fear, envy or resentment among voters in order to gain votes and impose his anti-democratic, anti-capitalist agenda on the country. He uses a strategy of divide and conquer, or more accurately, polarize and conquer, which is an agenda of hate and destruction that tears a country apart rather promoting integration and tolerance. Unfortunately, Dr. Obama's Snake Oil is not harmless. It is malevolently toxic.
Monday, May 05, 2014
The War On Whites
In America today the liberal dominated government is waging a war on white people. A person who is not white can say anything they want about white people, while any white person who says or does anything similar about a non-white is vilified, ostracized and destroyed. Free speech no longer exists for white people. We now live in a hypocritical, double standard country created by pandering politicians and their media whores.
One can find almost any statistic on the internet, but one I cannot find is the percentage of individual income taxes in America paid by white people. I wonder why that number is not available. Whatever it is, I would bet it is significantly higher than white folks percentage of the population (69%). One thing that is known is the percentage of white people who voted for Obama in 2012, which was 39%. That means white people are paying for leadership they did not choose - taxation without representation. Whites pay a disproportionate share of taxes while watching their culture being taken away, their rights ignored, the fruits of their labor confiscated and redistributed, quotas limiting their opportunities, and their children's future being ruined.
Apparently this is happening because a majority of voters in America (whether alive, dead, four-legged, magically duplicated or ineligible) have been convinced that whites are evil and owe them something. The fact is, no one in America today owes anything to anyone for things that happened long before any of us were born - except perhaps Native Americans, who white Americans truly committed horrific crimes against and continue to pretend they don't exist. It is time to rethink who is being victimized by the political party in power.
Personally, I don't believe it is the ethnic minorities themselves that created this environment. It has been created over the years by white liberals. White liberals have been building the welfare state for fifty years, yet the black and brown minorities still suffer from the same unemployment and poverty. One has to ask, since the Democrats have been at it so long, why has there been no progress? Could it be because white liberals constantly tell minorities that white people are oppressing them, that they can't succeed on their own, and that they can't do it without government assistance. That is not only a self-defeating message, it is real racism.
It is true that minorities have been victimized. They have been victimized by white liberals false promises, legislated policies encouraging dependency, lies about the character and motives of political opponents, and the absurd claim that government can create more jobs and economic growth than private enterprise and free markets can. The incessant preaching by white liberals indoctrinating minorities with the idea they have been victimized by white America is for no reason other than to buy votes. The white liberals bullshit is designed to win political office in order to dominate the distribution of propaganda, legislate more dependency creating policies, and increase their own power and wealth. It is not designed to do anything meaningful for the minorities they claim to care about.
The old minority rally cry "The Man is keeping us down" is true. Socioeconomic disparities obviously continue to exist. But 'The Man' is not who they think it is. The Man is liberal white people of both genders. White liberals have destroyed the inner cities, destroyed the American primary and secondary educational system, destroyed job opportunities, and destroyed traditional American principles and values. Look at Detroit. Look at the real Chicago, not the glittering facade. Look at any big urban area that has been controlled by Democrats for the last fifty years. It is not a pretty sight.
Yes, Barack Obama is president. He says he is black, even though he was raised by a white mother and white grandparents. But that is irrelevant. What is relevant is who are his policies really benefitting? The rich white liberals are getting richer and more powerful while the middle class is struggling and the underclass is still unemployed and stuck in the crime and poverty of the inner cities. That is the way the white liberals like it because it gives them the opportunity to perpetually sell hope that is never realized into infinity.
One can find almost any statistic on the internet, but one I cannot find is the percentage of individual income taxes in America paid by white people. I wonder why that number is not available. Whatever it is, I would bet it is significantly higher than white folks percentage of the population (69%). One thing that is known is the percentage of white people who voted for Obama in 2012, which was 39%. That means white people are paying for leadership they did not choose - taxation without representation. Whites pay a disproportionate share of taxes while watching their culture being taken away, their rights ignored, the fruits of their labor confiscated and redistributed, quotas limiting their opportunities, and their children's future being ruined.
Apparently this is happening because a majority of voters in America (whether alive, dead, four-legged, magically duplicated or ineligible) have been convinced that whites are evil and owe them something. The fact is, no one in America today owes anything to anyone for things that happened long before any of us were born - except perhaps Native Americans, who white Americans truly committed horrific crimes against and continue to pretend they don't exist. It is time to rethink who is being victimized by the political party in power.
Personally, I don't believe it is the ethnic minorities themselves that created this environment. It has been created over the years by white liberals. White liberals have been building the welfare state for fifty years, yet the black and brown minorities still suffer from the same unemployment and poverty. One has to ask, since the Democrats have been at it so long, why has there been no progress? Could it be because white liberals constantly tell minorities that white people are oppressing them, that they can't succeed on their own, and that they can't do it without government assistance. That is not only a self-defeating message, it is real racism.
It is true that minorities have been victimized. They have been victimized by white liberals false promises, legislated policies encouraging dependency, lies about the character and motives of political opponents, and the absurd claim that government can create more jobs and economic growth than private enterprise and free markets can. The incessant preaching by white liberals indoctrinating minorities with the idea they have been victimized by white America is for no reason other than to buy votes. The white liberals bullshit is designed to win political office in order to dominate the distribution of propaganda, legislate more dependency creating policies, and increase their own power and wealth. It is not designed to do anything meaningful for the minorities they claim to care about.
The old minority rally cry "The Man is keeping us down" is true. Socioeconomic disparities obviously continue to exist. But 'The Man' is not who they think it is. The Man is liberal white people of both genders. White liberals have destroyed the inner cities, destroyed the American primary and secondary educational system, destroyed job opportunities, and destroyed traditional American principles and values. Look at Detroit. Look at the real Chicago, not the glittering facade. Look at any big urban area that has been controlled by Democrats for the last fifty years. It is not a pretty sight.
Yes, Barack Obama is president. He says he is black, even though he was raised by a white mother and white grandparents. But that is irrelevant. What is relevant is who are his policies really benefitting? The rich white liberals are getting richer and more powerful while the middle class is struggling and the underclass is still unemployed and stuck in the crime and poverty of the inner cities. That is the way the white liberals like it because it gives them the opportunity to perpetually sell hope that is never realized into infinity.
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