Saturday, September 10, 2016

Questions for the Cop Haters

Here's a few questions for Colin Kaepernick and everyone else who protests against what they apparently think is minority oppression, racial injustice, and police brutality. 

1. Would you like to work at a challenging, extremely dangerous job where you are underpaid relative to people in similar jobs in less stressful communities; where your co-workers are constantly leaving to escape the stress and low pay; where your future pension and health care benefit funds are disappearing dreams; where your job gets more dangerous every day because society claims you are a murderous monster if you try to do it; and where you can lose your job and receive death threats if a person assaulting you dies while defending yourself?  If you think that would be a fun job, then become a policeman.

2. Would you like to live in a neighborhood where law enforcement does not exist, and violent crimes are committed with impunity?  Then continue the irrational protesting and destructive riots to make sure that is what happens.

3. Have you ever had to make a split second decision where you lose your life if you make the wrong one?  Don't pretend you know what that is like if you haven't been there.

4. Please describe specific incidents of minority oppression, racial injustice, and police brutality.  Maybe we can hear both sides of the story, including the evidence and facts not reported in the media or mentioned by social agitators.  There is no question there will be some of those incidents that are real instances of injustice and overly aggressive law enforcement.  No society is perfect.  But you might find out the truth is not always what the agitators and your social media friends tell you.

Another thing to consider is that policemen are not the ones responsible for the most egregious cases of injustice, such as convicting the innocent and sentencing those convicted of minor crimes to long prison terms.  It is not necessarily black people or other minorities who are the victims of injustice.  It is poor people who can't afford a good lawyer.  The lawyers and the judges run the American legal system.  Blame the lawyers and judges, not policemen.
It is interesting to note that 70% of lawyers and law firms contributions to political candidates go to Democrats (  The largest legal organization in America, the American Association for Justice, gives 97% of its contributions to Democrats.  Yet black folks continue to vote overwhelming for Democrats.  Maybe they need to re-think that. 
Monsters do exist, in all colors and all walks of life.  But white people are not all members of the Ku Klux Klan or the Aryan Brotherhood.  99.9% of white people reject everything those fools stand for and want nothing to do with them.  So why are we all guilty as charged by racial agitators, liberal politicians, media commentators, and clueless athletes?
Life is not a blissful fantasy.  For most people it is a constant struggle to support themselves and their families.  People of all colors suffer injustices in their jobs and in the legal system.  Maybe it is time for athletes and other celebrities to stop being used by the liberal politicians, Marxist professors, and the Democrat's media propaganda and indoctrination machine.  Maybe it is time to realize they should be thankful they were privileged to be living in America where people with exceptional skills and determination can rise to the top of whatever career they pursue.

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