Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Government of the Insane

Only two weeks to go and American voters are faced with the following dilemma.  One presidential candidate is insane.  I don't think he even cares about winning the election.  It's all about the attention.  He craves it, but at the same time cannot abide criticism.  That is why he constantly says and tweets obnoxious responses to anyone who criticizes him, actions that further alienate any rational people in the voting public.

The other candidate is an extraordinarily corrupt, serial lying, influence peddling, rapacious arrogant elitist with no accomplishments that were beneficial to the American people in her years of public "experience".  She has been lying for so long she can no longer tell the truth.

Regardless, the American people are faced with the following question.  What is more rational - having a president who is insane or a whole political party that is insane?  We lived through 4 years of Jimmy Carter.  A Congress and a Supreme Court that does its job can prevent an insanely naive president from destroying the country.  But America is unlikely to survive twelve years of authoritarian politically correct progressivism.  The country cannot be saved if the whole government bureaucracy, from top to bottom, is insane.

Hillary has pledged to continue the insanity that is already in progress. For example -

1.  Unilateral disarmament and weakening the country's ability to defend itself against terrorism and foreign aggression.
2.  Alienating our traditional allies while appeasing and capitulating to our adversaries.
3.  Blaming law enforcement for enforcing the law.
4.  Claiming that government creates jobs and economic growth, not private enterprise and free markets.
5.  Doing nothing about entitlement programs that are bankrupting the country.
6.  Providing public support systems that discourage work and encourage dependency on government.
7.  Promoting an educational system that focuses on politically correct safe spaces and gender pronouns, denies students in the inner cities a quality education, and does nothing to prepare students for adulthood and real jobs.
8.  Arguing that the answer to every issue in America is to throw more money at it.

Free speech is already gone in America.  Conservative opinion is banned on college campuses, and people lose their jobs if they make a politically incorrect comment that may offend somebody, even though there is no law to not be offended.  Barack Obama and his Administration's bureaucrats make laws, rules, and regulations we all are supposed to comply with even though the power to make laws is vested in Congress by the very first section of the very first article of the US Constitution.  Democrats are eviscerating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights without the consent of the American people.  They won't stop until they have eliminated democracy altogether, if we are lucky enough to still be around.

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