Saturday, January 29, 2005

America At War

Western civilization is at war. We now live in a world where any small group of fanatics with a cause have access to biological, chemical and even nuclear weapons that can cause death and destruction on a massive scale. The current primary threat is radical Islam, which after centuries of dormancy due to its incapacity to spread influence beyond its borders, is now a violent malignancy that is metastasizing as weapons of mass destruction and strategies of terror have become effective methods in their battle against their perceived enemies.

The perceived enemy of Islam, as the murderous dictators, autocratic ayatollah's and ruthless jihadists have publicly proclaimed, are the naive, unsuspecting, fat and happy democratic societies and capitalistic economies of western civilization. Like any malignancy, if it is not diagnosed and defeated at an early stage, it will cause the demise of the organism it inhabits.

Unfortunately, there are many among us who still refuse to believe that we are at war, and criticize every effort to defend ourselves against this obvious threat. In America, the leadership of the Democratic Party and their propagandists have become more dangerous than Osama bin Laden. Osama and his sycophantic acolytes may cause the deaths of thousands of innocent people, but they won't cause the demise of Western Civilization. Only Western Civilization itself can destroy Western Civilization, from within, and that takes pathetic snake oil salesmen like Teddy Kennedy, Al Gore, John Kerry, Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer to spread their outrageous lies and unsubstantiated accusations against those responsible for defending American lives.

But the most dangerous enemies of western civilization of all may be Michael Moore and the Joseph Goebbels inspired leaders of the fourth estate, who publish and broadcast their left wing opinions and slanted coverage of events to the masses, and call it news. They are much more dangerous than Osama bin Laden and his terrorist organization, because the pen, and the directed motion picture, are mightier than the sword, because the pen and the movie can lie and deceive.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Tactics of Those Without Substance

Last fall the Democratic Party's sole campaign strategy was one of making up outrageous lies about their opponent, and then accusing the opponent of lying. It appears, from the recent grilling of Condoleeza Rice during her confirmation as Secretary of State, that Democrats still believe that approach will eventually work.

Just What The World Needs

The one thing there is way too much of in this world is unsolicited advice. Therefore, I have started this new blog in order to add to the confusion.