Saturday, September 10, 2016

Questions for the Cop Haters

Here's a few questions for Colin Kaepernick and everyone else who protests against what they apparently think is minority oppression, racial injustice, and police brutality. 

1. Would you like to work at a challenging, extremely dangerous job where you are underpaid relative to people in similar jobs in less stressful communities; where your co-workers are constantly leaving to escape the stress and low pay; where your future pension and health care benefit funds are disappearing dreams; where your job gets more dangerous every day because society claims you are a murderous monster if you try to do it; and where you can lose your job and receive death threats if a person assaulting you dies while defending yourself?  If you think that would be a fun job, then become a policeman.

2. Would you like to live in a neighborhood where law enforcement does not exist, and violent crimes are committed with impunity?  Then continue the irrational protesting and destructive riots to make sure that is what happens.

3. Have you ever had to make a split second decision where you lose your life if you make the wrong one?  Don't pretend you know what that is like if you haven't been there.

4. Please describe specific incidents of minority oppression, racial injustice, and police brutality.  Maybe we can hear both sides of the story, including the evidence and facts not reported in the media or mentioned by social agitators.  There is no question there will be some of those incidents that are real instances of injustice and overly aggressive law enforcement.  No society is perfect.  But you might find out the truth is not always what the agitators and your social media friends tell you.

Another thing to consider is that policemen are not the ones responsible for the most egregious cases of injustice, such as convicting the innocent and sentencing those convicted of minor crimes to long prison terms.  It is not necessarily black people or other minorities who are the victims of injustice.  It is poor people who can't afford a good lawyer.  The lawyers and the judges run the American legal system.  Blame the lawyers and judges, not policemen.
It is interesting to note that 70% of lawyers and law firms contributions to political candidates go to Democrats (  The largest legal organization in America, the American Association for Justice, gives 97% of its contributions to Democrats.  Yet black folks continue to vote overwhelming for Democrats.  Maybe they need to re-think that. 
Monsters do exist, in all colors and all walks of life.  But white people are not all members of the Ku Klux Klan or the Aryan Brotherhood.  99.9% of white people reject everything those fools stand for and want nothing to do with them.  So why are we all guilty as charged by racial agitators, liberal politicians, media commentators, and clueless athletes?
Life is not a blissful fantasy.  For most people it is a constant struggle to support themselves and their families.  People of all colors suffer injustices in their jobs and in the legal system.  Maybe it is time for athletes and other celebrities to stop being used by the liberal politicians, Marxist professors, and the Democrat's media propaganda and indoctrination machine.  Maybe it is time to realize they should be thankful they were privileged to be living in America where people with exceptional skills and determination can rise to the top of whatever career they pursue.

Friday, September 09, 2016

What Is It You Want?

Personally, I don't have a problem with some black athletes refusing to stand for the national anthem, recite the pledge of allegiance, or salute the flag.  I sometimes feel like doing the same thing, but for much different reasons.  In so doing I don't really think any of us are trying to disrespect the men and women in the military who deserve nothing but our gratitude for their service to defend our country against those who wish to do us harm.  The black athletes are protesting what they perceive to be racial injustice and minority oppression.  But that is ridiculous given the nature of American society today.  The very existence of these black folks making millions of dollars playing a game, plus the existence of a black president, black folks throughout the highest government offices in the land, and successful blacks in every profession in America proves it no longer exists in any meaningful way.
My personal protest would be against the fact that politically correct progressive authoritarian dictators have taken over the country.  They have eliminated free speech, individual rights, and personal freedom; assumed control of the economy; ignored the Constitution; and instituted thought control.  The land we live in is no longer the USA.  That is my grievance.  But that is not the point I am trying to make.
Regarding the black protests, the question that nobody asks is what the hell do they really want from us?  For the last 50 years America has bent over backwards to provide them with opportunities and assistance in participating in American progress and prosperity.  Millions of black people have taken advantage of that opportunity.  But it is never enough for the activists.  So what is it they really want?  Do they want white people to just die and go away.  Or maybe we are expected to just kiss their asses and hand over everything we have worked hard for.  Perhaps it is to just let them commit any crime they want and not have to suffer any consequences.  That is apparently the goal of Black Lives Matter (BLM).
If they want a better education, talk to the Democrats.  They're the ones bought and paid for by the teachers unions and who close charter schools because they make the public schools look bad.  If it's less violent inner cities they want, then tell BLM to take a hike.  They are making the situation worse.  There will be no law in the inner cities if the BLM people continue their absurd war on law enforcement.  Beyond that, white folks can do nothing about the fatherless children from multiple mothers.  And America cannot afford to throw money it doesn't have at more welfare.  Do they want us to raise taxes on the struggling middle class to throw even more money at social programs that don't work?  That is insane.
The way to provide jobs, education, and opportunities is to cut taxes on business, not raise them.  Employers cannot invest in new jobs if the government takes more of what they earn.  Should we raise individual taxes on those making over half a million dollars a year?  Of course we should, but the professional athletes, professional politicians, and social agitators of all colors who make that kind of money won't allow that to happen.  Eliminate tax preferences?  Definitely.  But that involves electing people other than the establishment politicians taking bribes from special interests who keep them in power, both Republicans and Democrats.

So, I would ask Colin Kaepernick and the black people in this country who protest against white America, what the hell is it you want?  What injustices are you suffering that people of other ethnic groups don't?  Too much attention from law enforcement?  Then stop committing crimes?  Oppression?  Talk to Native American Indians to learn about real oppression.  Lack of educational opportunities and good jobs.  Well, there you might have a point.  All of the things you are protesting occur in the big cities whose local governments are dominated and controlled by Democratic Party politicians, and have been for decades.  If y'all don't like the situation that exists today, the best answer to change it is to stop voting for Democrats.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Time To Chill Out

Black people constantly tell us that white folks cannot possibly understand what it is like to be black.  They are right.  We can't.  Since we aren't black we never will.  Similarly, black people cannot understand what it is like to be white.  They cannot understand what we really think, feel, and believe.  Most of them seem to believe white people are the evil monsters politically correct left wing politicians and news organizations incessantly say we are.  We aren't, and we are getting sick and tired of liberal politicians and their media lapdogs spreading that bullshit.

Black people claim white people are privileged.  A few are.  Most aren't.  The vast majority of white people have never been privileged regarding anything.  I have cousins who grew up in such extreme poverty that I would challenge anyone to match their experience - black, white, brown, or whatever.  One went to Viet Nam and came back physically, but not mentally.  He ended up in the same VA hospital as his dad, who suffered debilitating wounds in World War II.  Funny thing is, nobody in the family ever bitched about anything.  Most white people have to earn our way just as everybody else does.  Some of us have been victims of police and legal system injustice, just like people of all races have.  There are good people and bad people on this planet.  Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people.  It has nothing to do with race.  It is life.  It cannot be legislated or protested away.

Privilege doesn't depend on race or ethnicity.  It applies to circumstances of birth, such as family wealth, family connections, and being endowed with superior mental or physical attributes.  Most Americans have none of those privileges, no matter what their skin color is.  All of us have suffered disappointments.  Most of us have been turned down for jobs multiple times.  Many of us have not made the sports teams, attended the colleges, or been able to pursue the careers we wanted.  Nothing is handed to us just because we are white.

Most professional athletes are born with superior physical skills.  Most of them have to work hard to get to the very top of their profession, but they do have a head start.  That is not a racist comment.  It is a fact.  Being born with superior skills of any kind is a privilege.  Some folks are just born to the right parents.  Malia and Sasha Obama were born into a wealthy upper class family.  That is privilege.  It ain't just a few white folks who have a head start in life.

Unfortunately, black people do have one obstacle to overcome that white people don't.  One political party continues to use black people to buy votes while perpetually passing legislation intended to keep black people dependent on them.  Democrats are the reason black children attend substandard schools.  Democrats are the reason many black people remain dependent on public assistance.  Democrats are the reason black children grow up without fathers.  Democrats are the reason a whole lot of black people live in violent inner cities.

Black people really need to reflect on the last 50 years and ask themselves what Democrats have ever done for them to improve their lives.  Black people need to ask themselves why they continue to vote for the party that keeps them down.  They need to ask themselves why white people would want to oppress them?  How does that benefit anyone?  Most of us are too busy trying to make a living to worry about anyone else.  We are all in this together.  We all want the same things, and we all want the opportunity to achieve them.

It is time to cut out the bullshit and quit bitching and moaning about America being a racist country.  Racism exists in every country on the planet.  Any ethnic group that hates another is practicing racism.  But in America it is an extremely small, irrelevant group of ignorant people.  It is time for black people to stop believing the crap Democrats constantly tell them about evil white people.  It is time for black people to realize that all of their problems result from mostly white Democratic Party politicians using and abusing them for political purposes.

No, I cannot know what it is like to be black.  But I do think if I was black I would stop voting for Democrats.