Monday, November 25, 2013

Sold Down The River

Barack Obama and John Kerry claim to have secured a deal with Iran that supposedly curtails Iran's nuclear program and ends their quest to produce nuclear weapons, in exchange for easing sanctions on Iran's economy.  The Brooklyn bridge is again for sale.  Israel and Saudi Arabia, those most effected by the pact, have formally registered their informed skepticism that the agreement does no such thing.  Iran President Hassan Rouhani himself says the agreement allows them to continue enriching uranium while Obama and Kerry say it doesn't.  Iranians are celebrating in the streets of Tehran as they cheer the agreement as a big victory over the Great Satan.  And of course the average American citizen as well as anyone outside the inner circle of the Obama administration is not privy to the details of the agreement.  Even Democrats in Congress are against it.  Certainly this giveaway could have nothing to do with Obama's need to deflect attention away from the disastrous consequences of ObamaCare, could it?

Americans must ask themselves three things -
1.  Do you trust the Iranian government?
2.  Do you trust the American government?
3.  Do you really believe anything the Obama administration says, particularly in view of the evidence that everything they say is a self-serving lie?

If your answer to any of those questions is yes, then you are without any doubt a certifiable moron.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

The sad note is those certifiable morons get to vote in elections.