Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction

Isn't it interesting that George Bush is accused of lying by Democratic Party leaders when he states that American intelligence agencies reported Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in 2003, when every one of them knows that every intelligence agency in the world said Saddam Hussein not only still had them at that time but was continually working to acquire more. Meanwhile, the 9/11 commission, comprised of many of these same critics, is caught red-handed lying about critical information received from the "Able Danger" intelligence operation during their investigation. It appears that Democrats not only attempt to rewrite history, they also try to redefine the word lying.

There are certainly enough legitimate differences of opinion to be discussed about George Bush and the Republicans conduct of the war and American policy. I don't agree with much of what they are doing either, and I personally believe they seriously misunderstand the nature of Islam and the culture of the Middle East. But do the current leaders of the Democratic Party offer a viable alternative? I think not. Their continued obstructionist behavior, intentional misrepresentation of the facts and reliance on demonization of Republicans instead of logical debate of the issues demonstrate they do not have the character, honesty or the intelligence to lead this country.

Why do the Democrats think it is necessary to create unsubstantiated lies and vilify Republicans in order to turn the public against them? The answer - because it is the only weapon they have. They have no ideas or policies of their own that realistically address the issues of our time. They have no plan to deal with out of control government spending, particularly concerning social security and medicare, nor do they have any concept of how to sustain economic growth or provide for a defense against terror that America faces. They can talk all they want about abortion, the environment, gay rights, etc., but those are not the issues that will determine the future of our country. The Democrats have nothing of substance to offer.

So they create lies, deceive, misrepresent, rant, rave, demonize and vilify. They utilize any means at their disposal to turn Americans against their elected government. They obstruct any progress against seriously dealing with ballooning entitlement programs, and they work to create another military defeat for America on the verge of victory. Nothing is sacred, nothing is immoral in their blindly ambitious quest to seek power. If they succeed, the real economic problems that confront us will be ignored and our country will be left defenseless against our enemies. Sounds to me like Democrats are the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.

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