Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Understanding Politics

Politics is really quite simple.  The first thing that should be understood is there are plenty of corrupt politicians in both parties more than willing to sell themselves to the special interests that help them get elected and remain in office.  Those folks are really all the same no matter what the party label.  So the best way to differentiate between the two parties is to identify who they generally represent.  Republicans represent the productive.  Democrats represent the parasites.

Democrats understand it is basic human nature that the have nots will always want what the haves have.  That is why they always make elections all about the politics of envy.  As usual for Democrats, Barack Obama's reelection strategy is to promise to give the have nots what they want without having to work for it by taking it from the haves.  This is the strategy of class warfare, and it states that the have nots deserve to be given what they didn't earn because the haves are evil, selfish beings who must be punished for their greed.

In other words, Democrats claim they are the party of compassion for the underprivileged and that Republicans are cold-hearted monsters who conspire to gain and keep all the wealth for themselves.  That is a crock of shit, but people who vote for Democrats apparently believe the lie.  The truth is that conservatives agree that society certainly has a responsibility to provide a safety net for those who truly need it.  But that safety net must be designed to encourage recipients of public support to work towards escaping that status by seeking opportunities to do so rather than spending their lives at the bottom of the barrel.

Unfortunately, the safety net in America today is so generous that it encourages recipients to remain dependent on government support rather than providing strong incentives for self-improvement.  Democrats win votes by promising to maintain and expand the current structure of government support by extorting those who pay for it with even higher taxes.  Hence, their appeal to the parasites.  It does not matter one bit that biting the hand that feeds you is a prescription for running out of food, nor that no matter how high taxes are raised on the productive the amount of money available for government programs will never be enough.

A government that encourages the productive creates an environment of innovation, sustained progress, rising living standards and widely diffused affluence, often referred to as a rising tide that lifts all boats.  It results in a system that expands the economic pie to everyone's benefit.  It is also a system that leads to relatively high levels of income inequality.  There is no doubt that many people who have attained great wealth do not deserve it.  Wall Street bankers should feel guilty, but I am sure they don't.  But that is not the real issue.  The real issue is the improvement in living standards that productive enterprise creates for everyone, including those at the very bottom of the social and income ladder.  The poor in America today, with big screen HD TV's, the latest cell phones and access to food stamps and health care live much better than they did fifty years ago, and better than most people in the rest of the world.

On the other hand, a government that panders to the parasites leads to an economy that produces nothing but widespread destitution, chaos and anarchy, leading to dictatorship, subjugation and oppression.  This is a system that sinks all the boats and where everyone has to desperately fight for a piece of the shrinking pie.  Reelection of Barack Obama, the most blatant parasite panderer this country has ever seen, will turn America into the Titanic and leave nothing but crumbs from the devoured pie.  We are at the inflection point where nearly half the people in this country pay no taxes, and therefore are parasites receiving public services and support that others pay for.  Four more years of Obama would send us over the edge.  Everyone needs to think long and hard before they vote this November.

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