Tuesday, November 27, 2012

War On Who?

Yesterday's Dallas Morning News (November 26, 2012) had an an article on the front page of the Metro section discussing changes that may need to be made to public contracting programs.  The article concerned Dallas in general and DFW Airport in particular, but I would bet big money that it is applicable throughout the country.  For years public entities, and some private ones, have followed affirmative action programs requring them to award contracts proportionally to specific bidders, meaning minority and women owned contractors.  Dallas finally conducted a study to measure the progress of those programs.  The results of the study were quite interesting.

The study found that for construction contracts minority firms were still relatively under-represented while women owned firms met the goals.  Regarding architectural and engineering contracts both groups were adequately represented.  In the professional services category, which includes attorneys, accountants, medical professionals, technicians and consultants, women and minority owned firms received 88% of the contracts, well above their proportional representation of contractors.  If the women and minority owned firms were the most qualified and best providers of the services, then good for them.

Even though quotas are unconstitutional, they have become accepted practice and are probably here to stay.  In addition to public contracts, affirmative action applies to education and hiring practices of most corporations.  Perhaps they even do some good.  The problem I have is that even though quotas have already achieved their objective, Democratic politicians and Barack Obama in particular continue to exploit disparities that no longer exist, misrepresenting the truth by declaring that white men are conducting a war on women and taking advantage of minorities.

America is supposed to be all about equal opportunity.  Not anymore.  How can anyone truly think there is a war on women or that minorities are disadvantaged when every public institution and many private sector ones have programs that require quota's for women and minorities in hiring employees and awarding contracts.  Quotas mean that certain groups are favored over others, and those others are always white males.  The quotas always ignore the fact that lots of white males are indigent too.  Most government sponsored programs in America, from Obamacare to educational subsidies, favor women and minorities.  Clearly the war in this country is on white males, both men and boys. 

I personally am sick and tired of Democrats and their media propaganda machine lying about, ridiculing, denigrating and humiliating those in this country who dare to tell the truth.  I am sick and tired of their pompous condescending superiority attitude.  They smugly ridicule Mitt Romney for saying he lost the election because Obama gives away stuff to those who vote for him. Well, it happens to be the truth.  Perhaps it wasn't the only reason, but there can really be no denying that it was a major one.  Just because they supposedly (no scam, fraud, or cheating is outside their limits) won the presidential election does not give them the right to ignore the 69%* of eligible voters in America who did not vote for Barack Obama. 

In 2008 Michelle Obama said that for the first time in her life she was proud as an American when her husband was elected.  In 2012 I am still proud to be an American, but I am ashamed of the American people - not only ashamed but disgusted.  Anyone can make a mistake once, but electing that arrogant, dishonest, incompetent empty suit twice is unforgivable.  He won the election not only because he gives away free stuff to get people to vote for him, he won because he is driving a polarizing wedge between Americans based on wealth, gender and race, creating unhealthy hostility and resentment between rich and poor, men and women, and the various ethnic groups.

Regarding race, when you work or socialize with a black, Latino or Asian person today do you see a person of a different race or just another person?  As for me, I see another person who more than likely is better than I am at some things but not at others.  I see doctors, lawyers, teachers, acountants, technicians, engineers and other folks of solid achievement.  I don't see black doctors, Hispanic lawyers, Asian teachers, green accountants, blue technicians or purple engineers.  It seems to me the only folks who keep racism alive in this country are the ones who benefit from it, i.e., the Democratic politicians.

Furthermore, I would be bold enough to say that 99% of Americans believe in a safety net of public support for those who truly need it, although no one would ever know that from the left wing propaganda in newspapers, on TV and the liberal blogs.  What many of us don't advocate is freebies for those who don't need them, mainly because they are unfair and the nation cannot afford it.  Some of us also think it is not a good idea to grant public support that is so generous that it becomes a comfortable lifestyle, generating little incentive for recipients to take advantage of opportunities to learn how to support themselves.

Today in America 57% of college graduates are women.  Today in America young women under the age of 30 in urban areas make more money than men.  Three of the CEO's of the six largest defense contractors are women.  African-Americans hold the top jobs at a substantial number of American corporations.  African-Americans, Latinos and Asian-Americans enjoy high paying jobs throughout the ranks of American business and professional occupations.  Women and minorities have won whatever war they think they are fighting.  But it appears they want more.  Apparently they want total victory and won't be happy until all white men in America, who rejected long-standing global tradition and gave them the opportunity to improve themselves and gain equality in the work place, are ground into the dirt.  That must be the reason they vote for Barack Obama, because he promises to do just that.

*    Statistics from the 2012 presidential election -
There were 207.6 million eligible voters, and 127.0 million (61.2%) actually voted.
64.5 million people (31.1% of eligible voters) voted for Barack Obama, meaning nearly 69% didn't.

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