Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Silent Revolution

Barack Obama said when he was elected to the presidency in 2008 that change has come to America.  That may be the last time he told the truth.  Today we certainly do live in a new world.  Today a vast number of Americans believe they have to buy guns to protect themselves from our own government.  Who would have thought in four years it would come to that.

Obama's activist background, radical friends and association with the corrupt Chicago political machine was bad enough.  But since he has been president, everything he has done seems designed to weaken and divide us from within.  Unilateral disarmament.  Foreign policies alienating our friends and favoring our adversaries.  Economic policies of market regulation, income redistribution, and central government directed capital allocation, all resulting in declining family income, disappearing individual opportunities, and vanishing personal freedom while at the same time creating a debt bomb sending us down the road to economic collapse.

Perhaps even worse is Obama's deliberate polarization of society into diametrically opposed factions, with demonization and character assassination of those who disagree with him.  He is fomenting absolute and irreconcilable hatred of one side against the other, a dangerous game that could have devastating consequences.  The disturbing thing is that the American media is enabling and complicit in all of this.

It is well known among those who take the time to learn about Obama's background that he spent his early years being indoctrinated with third world, anti-colonialist, anti-Western bullshit.  His father, who Obama barely knew but worshipped as his idol, was a leading anti-colonialist agitator in Kenya.  There is much conjecture and confusion about the politics of his mother and grandparents, who were involved in raising young Barack Obama during his formative years.  But they must have been quite a bit left of center since they actively sought out noted communist activist and rabid anti-American journalist Franklin Marshall Davis to mentor "Barry" in Hawaii.

It doesn't stop there.  His association with other radical America haters is also well known.  There is Bill Ayers, the SDS and Weather Underground founder who planned and participated in bombings of the New York City police department in 1970, the US Capitol building in 1971, the Pentagon in 1972, and lived at the Greenwich Village townhouse where a nail bomb being constructed to explode at a Fort Dix, New Jersey party blew up and killed two members of the Weather Underground.  There is Edward Said, a prominent pro-Arab, anti-Israel and PLO representative who was a professor at Columbia University; Roberto Unger, a self-declared Marxist Harvard University professor; and of course, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the America hating, race baiting preacher and leading advocate of World Liberation Theology whose church Obama attended for over twenty years.  This is all public knowledge.  Does anyone care?  Apparently not enough people who vote.

Given that background, Obama's historical perspective seems to reflect the common belief among most developing countries and left wing activists that the developed countries are all imperial colonialists, invading and taking control of weaker countries to extract their resources for profit.  That opinion is perfectly understable because, in reality, that is pretty much what the British, Spanish, French and Dutch did.  The United States itself was a colony of one of those great powers, and was born through a revolution that threw off the yoke of colonialism.  But those days effectively came to a close with the end of the Second World War.  The British must have been doing something right since their Empire evolved into the British Commonwealth of present day independent and prosperous countries of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, etc.  The only empire that existed after the middle of the twentieth century was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the oppressive communist empire the left wingers of the world desire to emulate.

Never-the-less, the third world still argues the West plunders the small and the weak for resources, with the US being one of the main culprits in its quest for oil.  The radical progressives in America believe it.  That is the indoctrination Obama received, and perhaps explains why he is doing everything he can to diminish our global power and influence.  In fact it can be argued that every place American oil companies have gone to develop energy resources they have been instrumental in improving the living standards of those countries.  That is not the definition of exploitation.  That is helping third world countries to benefit from developing their resources and joining the 21st century.

The radical progressives also believe the US arrogantly projects its influence and power around the world, sometimes in places it is not wanted.  Guilty as charged, but only when it is needed to preserve order (at least until recently when our president has decided to let the rest of the world go to hell).  In the real world, unless there is a responsible superpower using its influence to maintain global order, the world breaks down into chaos, violent warfare, subjugation, oppression, and even state sponsored genocide.  That is the history of mankind.

Yet Barack Obama believes we are the bad guys.  That is why he is gutting our armed forces to levels that severely limit our ability to protect ourselves from foreign adversaries.  His often stated national security goal is zero nukes, to set an example for the rest of the world in order to get them to respond in kind.  No rational person could possibly believe that would ever happen.  Russia, China, Pakistan, Israel, etc. are not going to give up their nukes.  That would be suicidal.  Never-the-less, Obama is reducing our nuclear strategic forces, as well as our anti-ballistic missile system capabilities.  If he succeeds with this goal, we all die miserable deaths or surrender to the threat of annihilation and become subjects of an oppressive conqueror.  When it comes to nukes the only rational policy is to have the most and the best.  In nuclear war there is no proportionality.  The only response to a nuclear attack is to obliterate the aggressor from the face of the earth to prevent them from ever doing it again.

So the question becomes, why is Barack Obama pursuing the policies that lead to the death of traditional American culture, our hard earned prosperity, and our national identity?  Is he a Communist ideologue intent on extinguishing democracy and capitalism in America and establishing a Marxist society?  One could certainly get that impression.  Everything he does points in that direction.  Redistribution of income.  Raging against the greed of capitalism.  Nationalizing health care.  But communism has many definitions, most having to do with the elimination of private property and the means of production owned collectively by all or by the state.  Socialism and Marxism mean pretty much the same thing.  Suggesting that is what Obama has in mind for America is probably a bit too extreme.

It is my personal opinion Obama is doing what he does because his constant indoctrination since childhood with anti-capitalist, America hating bullshit by his mentors, college professors, associates and friends has brainwashed him into believing it.  The 'America is a force of evil' ideology is all he has ever been taught.  He truly believes it his duty to be the agent of change.  His goal is to turn America into a society controlled and managed by the "enlightened intellectual elite", i.e., himself and his co-conspirators, because he truly believes that is the best type of government.  He will never recognize or acknowledge that his beliefs are pure fantasy.  And he will lie, deceive, misrepresent, promise anything and vilify anyone who stands in his way, as we have all witnessed, to achieve his objective because the end justifies the means.

In just four years Barack Obama has turned America upside down.  Our capitalist economy has been transformed into a welfare state that gives away free money, free food, free phones, and guarantees mortgages that people can't pay - not because so many people need the assistance but to buy votes.  Our traditions of private enterprise, free markets, self-reliance, hard work, and individual initiative is being destroyed.  Limited government is giving way to big government that controls everything.

Democrats should ask themselves if they really believe America is an evil empire, raping and plundering the world because of capitalist greed.  That is what their president thinks.  Democrats need to ask themselves if our traditional culture is so grossly misguided and inappropriate that it needs to be totally changed.  That is what Obama's legions in his bureaucracy are working to do.  Apparently none of them have read the history books regarding the world wars we have fought to preserve freedom and democracy in the world, and how US aid was instrumental in rebuilding the savaged countries following the wars.  They also must be unfamiliar of how America's capitalist economic engine has helped countries around the world in building global prosperity.

Whether Obama is pursuing socialism, Marxism, communism, progressivism, fascism (look up the definition of fascism and you might be surprised) or just Obamaism is irrelevant.  They are all steps in the wrong direction, the direction in which Obama is taking great leaps.  Has American society gone so far off track that any of these ism's are now acceptable options?  It appears that a lot of people think so.  But I would bet that a majority of the people who voted for Obama just don't give a shit about political ideology.  They like the something for nothing that he promises, apparently believing the gravy train will last forever.  They are all in for a very unpleasant surprise.  Unfortunately, Barack Obama is right about one thing.  American is not an exceptional country.  Not anymore.


Kevin said...

Wow, you may need to get your concealed handgun license sooner that you think. BO & his peeps aren't going to like this commentary.

Kevin said...
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