Wednesday, August 28, 2013

No Experience, No Clue, No Problem

What is the one job in America a person can get without having any experience, knowledge or understanding of what that job is?  That's right - President of the United States.  All you have to do is be able to make speeches written by someone else by reading off a teleprompter.  The world is discovering what conservatives always knew and what liberals won't admit - Barack Obama doesn't have a clue about how the world works.

Barack Obama came into office singing Kumbaya and declaring that we can all be friends in a world where nations just need a little more love and understanding of each other.  Never mind.  Naïve attempts to convince the Arab countries of the Middle East that we are all good buddies back in 2009 have now given way to a region that is on fire with violence and instability in Egypt and barbaric civil war in Syria as the Administration's former best friend in the Arab world is gassing his own people.  Meanwhile the Iranian Ayatollahs and the affiliated Islamic terrorist groups, i.e., the bad guys, gain influence as ours disappears.

Elsewhere, Vladimir Putin in Russia is treating Obama as a nerdy neighborhood kid to make fun of and push around while the Chinese are ignoring us altogether.  Our old friends in Europe are just shaking their heads and laughing at us.  Unfortunately, the world's most indispensable nation is withdrawing from global responsibility while at the same time becoming more authoritarian domestically.  Obama has discovered that his bullshit works better at home than it does overseas.  That does not provide much hope for the future of the planet.

Regarding Egypt, much of the Western media and the Obama Administration are condemning the Egyptian army for tossing the Muslim Brotherhood out on its ass.  I find that odd.  Following their election the Brotherhood was rapidly dismantling the laws of the land and moving to implement sharia law.  That would have been getting rid of one form of tyranny just to get a far worse one.  Understandably, that is not what the Egyptian people wanted as evidenced by the millions in the streets who were protesting these changes.  Yet the world's talking heads were outraged by the reaction of the army conceding to the wishes of the majority of the people and removing the religious zealots from elected office.

Perhaps the media commentators and the Obama Administration have forgotten the following words - "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed.  That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government."

As you all know, those words are from the Declaration of Independence, and it is exactly what the Egyptians are doing.  The Muslim Brotherhood may have been elected, but they were disregarding the laws and dictatorially making new ones to make sure that they would be in power permanently while implementing their agenda.  Of course it is perfectly understandable why the Obama Administration would like us all to forget those words from the Declaration of Independence, given what they have done to our country over the last five years. 

Oh, and by the way, speaking of clueless, apparently Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are the two front runners as the Democratic Party's candidates in 2016.  Are Democrats serious or is that some kind of cruel, unfunny joke?


Lou said...

So, do you think our army would follow the lead of the Egyptian army, if pressed by enough people?

Kevin said...

It may take a helluva lot of us folks to press our military but I'm confident we could convince them to do the same. Heck, you & I know a couple soldiers we can start the movement with!