Friday, May 09, 2014

Selling Snake Oil

Isn't it interesting that every time Barack Obama promotes something as a major policy issue, the print and broadcast media overwhelms us with stories on these same issues backing Obama's rhetoric?  Is it a coincidence?  If these were major issues demanding public attention, wouldn't a responsible media already have been featuring this information long before Obama makes them political campaign issues?  Just asking.

In the last year Obama has decided to emphasize four issues that he believes will hammer Republicans and increase the chances of his storm troopers winning this fall's congressional elections.  One is income inequality.  Income inequality is a real problem, but the media most certainly will ignore the fact that it is increasing at a record rate under his administration due to his policies.  Another issue he plans to exploit is his creation of a non-existent War on Women, citing irrelevant statistics to claim there is a substantial pay gap.  This claim is made even though women under the age of 30 now earn more than men in metropolitan areas, three women are now graduating from college for every two men that do so, and the shrinking differential is explained by historical job choices and the number of hours worked.  He has also ignited a new race war when the only ethnic group left that maintains a racial bias is African-Americans themselves.  What else can you say about a group that votes 95% for someone of the same color.

Now Obama is returning to the old Environmentalist favorite of global warming, reconstituted as climate change since the apocalyptic predictions produced by the rabid Greenies have not come to pass over the last decade.  Let's examine the points.  Is earth experiencing climate change?  Certainly, as it has been doing every day for the last 6 billion years.  Are human beings contributing to climate change? Probably, just as every other living organism in abundant supply on the planet does, but nowhere near as much as the dynamics of the sun.  Is climate change a bad thing?  That depends on where one is located on the surface of the planet.  In the lower, warmer latitudes it may be a negative. You may have made a mistake if you were wealthy enough to build a house on the beach.  In the higher, cooler latitudes it could be beneficial due to more productive land use.  Will climate change have a net harmful effect on human beings?  Probably not.  We will adapt as we always have. Will climate change destroy life on the planet?  Not anytime in the foreseeable future.

Hurricanes, tornados, droughts and floods have been occurring on earth long before biblical times, in fact since the atmosphere on the planet first formed.  They have always been exploited by devious people who declare them bad omens in order to achieve political or financial gain.  The gullible and the superstitious always buy the snake oil from the Dr. Feelgood's.  Obama is just the latest.

Life on earth is much more likely to be destroyed from a nuclear war that escalates out of control, or a collision with a random asteroid.  Neither of the two more likely causes are being addressed in any rational or meaningful way by the Obama administration.  Unilateral disarmament makes nuclear war more likely, not less, as does reduced spending on defense that causes us to lose our strategic and tactical superiority.  Adversaries do not start wars they know they are going to lose, or invade other independent countries if they are worried about resistance and confrontation with stronger powers.  Furthermore, defunding our ability to compete in space exploration and create new space technology leaves us defenseless against near earth objects that have the ability to cause catastrophic damage.

As usual, the agenda of the Obamacrats is not based on real tangible issues that government needs to address, such as economic expansion, job creation, national security and social harmony.  The fact is that his policies have a detrimental impact on each of those issues.  Obama's agenda is for the political purpose of creating fear, envy or resentment among voters in order to gain votes and impose his anti-democratic, anti-capitalist agenda on the country.  He uses a strategy of divide and conquer, or more accurately, polarize and conquer, which is an agenda of hate and destruction that tears a country apart rather promoting integration and tolerance.  Unfortunately, Dr. Obama's Snake Oil is not harmless.  It is malevolently toxic.

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