Thursday, May 29, 2014

Slinging the Bullshit

Barack Obama was slinging the bullshit again at West Point yesterday.  He was his usual self creating straw men at both extremes, then telling us his policies were not only the middle way but that they were working.  Obviously he is the Brother from Another Planet.  The problem is, talk is cheap.  Talk means nothing when his actions do not reflect his stated policy.  That is his standard operating procedure.  Everyone in the world knows that except his die hard, brainwashed supporters.  Strong words accompanied by weak or no action at all accomplishes nothing.  America is losing influence and relevance throughout the world as millions of innocent people die or fall under the influence of oppressive regimes because Obama does absolutely nothing to back up his rhetoric.  Inaction, empty speeches, appeasement, capitulation, unilateral withdrawal, and surrender are not acceptable responses to the mounting foreign aggression, religious wars and ethnic genocide intensifying throughout the world today.

Obama did mention that the United States of America is the globe's indispensable nation.  There is no question about that.  Unfortunately, under his leadership that translates into the obvious conclusion that he is doing his best to erase that distinction due to his apparent belief the rest of the world is dispensable.  Then again, as is also his standard operating procedure, he can always blame his disastrous foreign policies on someone else such as his secretaries of state, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, with some justification when one ignores the fact he was the one who selected these incompetent morons for such an important job in the first place.  After all, he will never admit that the 'reset' with Russia; the 'red line' in Syria; the disaster in Benghazi; the continued expansion of Iran's nuclear arsenal; the resurgence of al-Qaida, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations; the loss of influence with allies and increasing boldness of adversaries; et cetera; et cetera, have anything to do with him or his policies.

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