Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Why is it that black people think they are the only ones to ever get stopped by the police?  Why do black people think they are the only ones who get nervous every time they see a police car following them?  Why do black people think they are the only ones who have ever been falsely arrested, assumed guilty and mistreated by the cop, and treated like dirt at the police station?  I personally know white people that has happened to.  I expect many other white people do too.

Black people complain that some places they go in America they are harassed by the police and white people.  That is probably true.  What is also true is that there are places in every metropolitan area in America white people can't go or they will likely be murdered.  I am sure most folks would agree that being harassed is a better experience than being murdered.

Perhaps what is most surreal about the Ferguson, Missouri situation is that no doubt there are a lot of incidents around the country where the police have used excessive force resulting in injury and death that are unjustified and should be prosecuted.  The bizarre thing is that this case is clearly not one of them.  The fact is the professional agitators and pliable protestors picked the wrong incident to go ballistic on in Ferguson, Missouri.  But this is what community organizers do.  They have organized protests claiming racism regarding this incident in cities across the nation.  Is this the ultimate result of having the Community Organizer in Chief in the oval office?

America appears to be headed toward anarchy.  At some point there will be no police protection for any citizen in America because no one will want the job.  Who in their right mind would want to be a police officer in America today?  It is hard to believe that the New York Times published Darrell Wilson's home address.  Their editors should be arrested.

One has to conclude that the primary problem behind the anarchy is the information people are getting.  Rational people tend to be amazed at how some people respond to incidents like this.  The facts and evidence in the Ferguson situation are about as clear as they ever can be.  Unless the protestors are completely insane, the only thing that makes any sense is that they are misinformed.  For example, one has to be seriously misinformed to say something like "I'm numbed, but I'm also saddened.  First it was Trayvon, now it's Michael Brown.  And it's sad that killing of black males is justified and legal."  That was a senior pastor of a United Methodist Church in Dallas.  That church is in a predominately black part of town, but a church leader should not be making such incendiary comments without being better informed.  At some point people are going to have to acknowledge the evidence, the facts and the truth instead of believing anything that comes out of Al Sharpton's mouth.

As Alan West said Monday night, how can the media and black leaders focus on this incident while totally ignoring the often more horrific murders that blacks perpetrate on whites.  He went on and described in detail a number of such incidents.  Ben Carson mentioned how can the country blow this incident way out of proportion while ignoring the epidemic of black on black murders?  Excellent questions, and just in case anyone is unfamiliar with Alan West and Ben Carson, they are both African-American.

Freedom of speech is necessary in a free society, but it has an extremely dark side.  Unfortunately, free speech allows anyone to lie and misrepresent the facts in order to manipulate the easily influenced.  It would be a dangerous step to take, but maybe it is time to prosecute media sources that deliberately lie and publish or broadcast any biased misinformation that disrespects the law and incites lawlessness.  Differences of opinion are one thing, but intentional provocation of criminal behavior is something else entirely - irresponsible at best and seditious at worst.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I've missed your musings, glad to see you back in action!